「2019伦敦科技周」CENTI CEO宰承峰先生接受China Daily专访

伦敦科技周(London Tech Week)期间,CENTI GROUP中欧科技创新网络创始人兼CEO宰承峰先生接受了China Daily的专访,让我们一起看看宰承峰先生为大家分享了哪些独到的见解。

宰承峰,CENTI GROUP中欧科技创新网络的创始人兼首席执行官,这是一家帮助英国和欧洲科技公司进入中国市场的咨询公司。[China Daily图]

Chinese entrepreneur John Zai has a mission-to increase collaboration between Europe and China in the technology sector.


In March, Zai launched CENTI, China-Europe Networks of Technology and Innovation Limited, a consultancy company to help Britain and European tech companies expand into the Chinese market. "China is going to become the biggest consumer market in the future and the biggest asset which China can offer to Europe is our market," Zai said.

今年3月,宰承峰成立了CENTI GROUP中欧科技创新网络,这是一家帮助英国和欧洲科技公司进入中国市场的咨询服务公司。宰承峰说: “中国未来将成为最大的消费市场,同时,中国的市场也将为欧洲带来更多机会,带来无可限量的价值。”

"Europe is also a perfect match for China as Europe's valuable technology is something China needs." Zai explained what his London-based company can offer is essential advisory services between two vastly different business landscapes. "China can be a complex country to understand, especially when it comes to the different regulatory environments and that's where we come in, building a platform for a China-Europe ecosystem."

“中国市场需要欧洲前沿的科技,所以中欧市场是非常契合的。”宰承峰解释说,CENTI所能提供的正是两种不尽相同的商业环境之间必不可少的商务咨询服务。 “中国也许是一个很复杂的国家,尤其是在不同的监管环境下,但这正是我们的切入点,为中欧生态系统的链接搭建一个平台。”

Another of Zai's business interests is Tech Shanghai Advocates, set up in 2017, which became the first Chinese network to join the Global Tech Advocates organization, set up by Russ Shaw. "The group is exactly what China needs and there are a lot of tech investors and businesses inside this network," Zai said. "This group can bring a lot of different elements into China."

另外,宰承峰在2017年成立了上海科技倡导小组,这是伦敦科技大使Russ Shaw创立的全球科技倡导组织在中国落地的第一个据点。“这个组织正是中国所需要的,在这个资源网络中聚集了很多科技投资者和企业。”宰承峰说, “这个组织可以把很多不同的资源、不同的科技理念带入中国。”

宰承峰,CENTI GROUP中欧科技创新网络的创始人兼首席执行官,在伦敦科技周中国行开幕式致辞。[China Daily图]

Over the next three to five years, Zai hopes to set up more networks in the world's second-largest economy as part of Global Tech Advocates, in Chinese cities such as Beijing, Chengdu or Hangzhou. CENTI has also recently agreed a strategic partnership with China International Engineering Consulting Corporation, or CIECC. “The deal will see CENTI act as an overseas representative of CEICC as it seeks to provide consultancy services to European companies that are looking to expand into the Chinese market. ”



With the United Kingdom scheduled to leave the European Union, Zai said it is a perfect opportunity for British tech companies to focus on collaborating with Chinese investors, partners and clients as a way to scale their businesses for international growth.


The Chinese entrepreneur pointed out that the row over tech giant Huawei will not affect Chinese tech companies investing in the UK and Europe as China looks to go global. "Maybe there will be a slight slowdown from European investors looking to collaborate with China," he said, "but there are still bigger prospects between Europe and China."

这位中国企业家指出,在中国发展国际化建设的道路上,围绕科技巨头华为的争吵并不会影响在英国和欧洲投资的中国科技公司。 他表示:“虽然与中国合作的欧洲投资者可能会略有放缓节奏,但欧洲和中国之间的合作前景仍然不可限量。”

CENTI GROUP中欧科技创新网络是一家跨境布局中欧之间20多个主要城市 ,以金融与科技创新关联内容为主 ,具备跨境投资功能的类投行类管理咨询公司。是迄今为止基于中国市场需求对接欧洲相关行业顼目,内容与资源的最为综合的专业咨询服务平台。



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