Huawei is still the place Chinese students want to work
The long-running US campaign against Huawei may be starting to hurt its business but it hasn't damaged the tech company's reputation among Chinese students looking for work.
研究公司优兴咨询(Universum)对5万名中国学生进行的一项最新调查显示,总部位于深圳的华为刚刚被评为全国最具吸引力的雇主,击败了阿里巴巴(BABA)和腾讯( TCEHY )等诸如此类的竞争对手。
Huawei was voted the top choice among engineering students for the second year running, and knocked Alibaba off the top spot among business students, Universum said. The Universum survey was concluded in March this year, however, so doesn't reflect the fallout from the latest US broadside against the company — a ban on the sale of American software and services to Huawei.
优兴咨询表示,华为连续两年被评选为工科学生的首选,并把阿里巴巴从商学院学生的首选中击败了。 不过,优兴咨询的调查于今年3月结束,因此并未反映出美国对该公司最新的攻击所带来的结果:禁止向华为出售美国软件和服务。
Having started out selling cheap telephone switches in rural China in the 1980s, Huawei has rapidly risen in recent years to become the world's biggest manufacturer of telecom equipment and the No. 2 smartphone brand behind Samsung. It has since become a flashpoint in the US-China trade war, with Washington leading a campaign that threatens large parts of its business and supply chain.The Trump administration delivered a huge blow on May 16, when it added Huawei to a blacklist that bars US companies from selling it technology without first obtaining a US government license.
华为自20世纪80年代开始在中国农村销售廉价的电话交换机,近年来迅速崛起成为全球最大的电信设备制造商,也是仅次于三星的第二大智能手机品牌。 从那时起,它就成为美中贸易战中的一个热点,美国政府正领导的一场运动对其大部分业务和供应链构成威胁。5月16日,特朗普政府给了华为一记重击,将其列入禁止美国企业在未经美国政府许可的情况下对其出售技术的黑名单。
Washington fears that Beijing could use its equipment to spy on other nations and it's been pressuring allies to shut the company out of next generation super-fast 5G wireless networks. Huawei has repeatedly denied that any of its products pose a risk to national security. The company's rapid growth in recent years and its increasing global reach have played a big part in sustaining its attractiveness as an employer thus far, said Wu.
华盛顿方面担心北京方面可能会利用华为设备监视其他国家,并且一直在向盟友施加压力,迫使华为关闭下一代公司超高速5G无线网络 。 华为一再否认其任何产品对国家安全构成威胁。 吴说,该公司近年来的快速成长及其日益增加的全球影响力在维持其作为雇主的吸引力方面发挥了重要作用。
While US tech firms lag way behind homegrown rivals in China, Universum's survey in neighboring India tells a very different story. Silicon Valley giants dominate the preferences of Indian students, with Google (GOOGL) taking top spot among engineering and business students for the second year in a row. Amazon(AMZN), Microsoft (MSFT), Apple and Facebook (FB) also beat out several Indian and global firms to take their places in the top 10.
虽然美国科技公司远远落后于中国本土竞争对手,但优兴咨询在邻国印度的调查却讲述了一个非常不同的故事。 硅谷巨头主导着印度学生的喜好,谷歌(GOOGL)连续两年在工科学生和商科学生中排名第一。亚马逊(AMZN),微软(MSFT),Apple和Facebook(FB)同时击败了几家印度和全球公司,跻身前十。
作者:Ryshi lyengar
优兴咨询(Universum)优兴咨询成立于 1988 年,是一家国际知名的集调查研究与管理咨询于身的公司。公司每年定期在欧美 19 个国家进行毕业生问卷调研,对结果进行严谨分析后得出最佳雇主排名,并在各国权威网站及其他相关媒体上发布该结果。优兴咨询提供全方位的服务,让雇主从研究、战略咨询和沟通解决方案上能够更了解理想员工的需求,并吸引与挽留他们。为分析各地顶尖人才的职业和雇主喜好,优兴咨询与全球 2,000 所大学合作经营年度调研,向超过 40 万大专生与专业人士进行问卷调查。
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