关注一下:PHP 7.3.7 正式发布 改进、修复的地方不少哦

PHP 7.3.7正式发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者接口(GUI)程式。

版本主要还是修复 bug,改进日志如下:

04 Jul 2019, PHP 7.3.7
- Core:
. Fixed bug #76980 (Interface gets skipped if autoloader throws an exception).
- DOM:
. Fixed bug #78025 (segfault when accessing properties of DOMDocumentType).
- MySQLi:
. Fixed bug #77956 (When mysqli.allow_local_infile = Off, use a meaningful
error message). (Sjon Hortensius)
. Fixed bug #38546 (bindParam incorrect processing of bool types).
- MySQLnd:
. Fixed bug #77955 (Random segmentation fault in mysqlnd from php-fpm).
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #78015 (Incorrect evaluation of expressions involving partials
arrays in SCCP). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78106 (Path resolution fails if opcache disabled during request).
- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #78079 (openssl_encrypt_ccm.phpt fails with OpenSSL 1.1.1c).
(Jakub Zelenka)
- phpdbg:
. Fixed bug #78050 (SegFault phpdbg + opcache on include file twice).
- Sockets:
. Fixed bug #78038 (Socket_select fails when resource array contains
references). (Nikita)
- Sodium:
. Fixed bug #78114 (segfault when calling sodium_* functions from eval). (cmb)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #77135 (Extract with EXTR_SKIP should skip $this).
(Craig Duncan, Dmitry)
. Fixed bug ##77937 (preg_match failed). (cmb, Anatol)
- Zip:
. Fixed bug #76345 (zip.h not found). (Michael Maroszek)



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