
2030年或2050年,我们的交通出行会是怎样?且听宝马集团研发董事傅乐希在 2019世界新能源大会上怎么说。



Since more than 20 years BMW’s strategic goal is to achieve sustainable mobility by technology and innovation leadership. Our goals are long term orientated. How will mobility be in 2030 or 2050?

多年来,我们孜孜不倦, 一直在两大领域,即数字化和可持续传动技术,研探多种未来创新技术,包括涉及全面互联、人工智能、自动驾驶、下一代高效动力发动机、电动出行及氢燃料电池等六个核心话题。

We are developing tomorrow’s innovative technologies in two focus areas: digitalization and sustainable drive train technologies. These lead to the six core topics shown here: connectivity, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, Efficient Dynamics NEXT engines, electro-mobility and hydrogen.


We are convinced that these targets of BMW have a perfect fit to China’s vision of future mobility. On one side the new energy vehicles (NEVs) and on the other side smart cities and intelligent connected vehicles (ICVs).


For us at BMW, China is of utmost importance:It is by far our largest market;Already today every fifth BMW is produced in China and in the near future it will be significantly more.


China is my fastest growing R&D hub,Chinese customers already today are the most demanding customers referring all digital developments. More and more Chinese companies are becoming technology leaders in the areas of digitalization and electro-mobility. And China is driving these changes in a consistent and long term orientated way.


Therefore, I consider that China will be the first country that substantially achieves the smart city ahead of the other regions. We as BMW want to be active and reliable partners for China in this development.


Our intention is to develop tomorrow’s innovative technologies in China in two joint ventures and via four core topics shown here (autonomous, connected, electrified and shared).


We've developed full-function R&D structures in China, located in Shenyang, Beijing and Shanghai. They will grow fast because we are shifting gears from ‘Creation in China for China’ towards ‘Creation in China, for China and for the world’.


The upcoming iX3 for example will be produced in China for the whole world. We want to team up with Chinese top players in this game-changing technology, too. We have the same intent for the future fully electric MINIs in our Spotlight JV with Great Wall.


For example: BMW is expected to be one of the first premium auto brands to offer Home-to-Vehicle Remote Services in China. We have been cooperating with Alibaba on this since 2018. And we have already a long lasting strategic collaboration with CATL in the field of battery technologies.


And I am delighted that BMW was the first international premium auto brand to develop and drive Level 4 (FAD) vehicles on public roads in Shanghai, since the municipal governments of Beijing and Shanghai released their local stimulation policy and regulations.


In this field of autonomous driving we joined the Apollo alliance of Baidu and cooperate with Tencent in the field of big data and artificial intelligence.


The global vehicle market will continue to grow.The latest IHS forecasts estimate that 100 million cars will be sold in 2025.


Therefore sustainable drivetrain technologies have highest priority.The pace at which electric mobility will develop is uncertain and will be very different in the various regions of the world- everybody expects China being the lead market.


For 2025, we estimate that between 15% and 25% of our vehicles worldwide will be electrified - these include plug-in hybrid and all-electric cars. We will offer more than 25 electrified vehicles by then.


It is still true that electro-mobility is a marathon and not a sprint. We started the implementation already 15 years ago.


Market penetration is strongly determined by the availability of resources for batteries, attractive incentives for the customers and the necessary charging infrastructure.


For a worldwide operating mobility provider like BMW technology openness and flexibility are key success factors.


We therefore:Will further improve and develop our clean and efficient combustion engines and will combine them with 48V systems as a standard.


We develop plug-in hybrid cars with higher electric performance and electric ranges between 80-120 kilometers.


We will offer pure electric vehicles for all our brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW motorcycles.


And we will develop scalable fuel cell powertrains by 2025, even if I personally see this technology more useful in light and heavy duty vehicles than in passenger cars.

在生产灵活性层面,面向世界销售的BMW X3是一个最好的例子,该车型拥有三种动力模式,即内燃机、插电式混合动力和纯电力驱动。而大家都知道,BMW iX3将只在沈阳的大东工厂生产。

Our worldwide X3 offer is a good example: It will be available with combustion engines, plug-in hybrid powertrain and as a full battery electric vehicle. This iX3 will be exclusively produced in our Dadong plant in Shenyang.


But how can we achieve this flexibility?


On the one side our vehicle architectures and production plants can integrate all powertrains in a modular approach.


And on the other side our already 5th generation of electric drivetrains will have the same scalability referring: Charging units、Power electronics、E-motors、Battery cell and modules.


And in all areas: Customer safety first. With our fifteen years of implementation experience we have established an End-to-End competence:


Direct access to the raw materials - especially Cobalt and Lithium by direct collaboration with mining companies. In house engineering competence and collaborations referring power electronics, E-motors and battery technologies. Second life reuse and recycling of battery cells. Here for example we cooperate with our Chinese local partner Brunp.


Now I would like to focus on the innovation fields of digitalization: Connectivity, autonomous driving and the extensive usage of artificial intelligence are the key topics here.

如同2013年的BMW i3之于电动出行一样BMW iNext也将再次成为我们的创新孵化器,在以下几方面成为先锋产品:5G互联、L3级和L4级自动驾驶、基于人工智能技术的创新服务。

And again we will use a progressive BMW i car as our innovation incubator. Like the i3 was an enabler for electro mobility in 2013 the BMW i next will be the pilot for:5G Connectivity、Level 3 and 4 autonomous driving、And innovative services based on latest AI technologies.


This car is not science fiction – it will be available in China at large scale already at the end of 2021.The digitalization will enable new and personalized concepts of mobility. Therefore we at BMW are already in the transformation from mechanical engineering to tech.


Our Campus for autonomous driving with around 1500 engineers is a good example for our new approaches:


Agile software development with feature teams and short sprints. Colocation and cooperation with tech companies, startups, TIER 1s, and OEMs. And finally common projects with on demand mobility companies and municipals to implement new mobility concepts for smart cities.


And we proactively explore opportunities to have such strategic partnerships with more and more Chinese stakeholders. Because China will be not only the lead market in the field of digitalization, it will also be the lead provider.


Finally A long term predictable and stable policy framework is necessary to bring robust and safe products to the customers.


Continuous NEV incentivation and infrastructure are key to ensure sustainable NEV growth after the phasing out of direct subsidies, customer behavior change requires time.


Innovative and flexible legislation is essential to nurture advanced technologies for example the current road traffic law restrains automated driving tests on highways. The smart city development relies on the collaboration crossing government, society and industries.


With China’s world-class infrastructure, exceptionally well-educated and future-oriented people, and reliable partners in politics and administration, I am very confident about the opportunities that lie ahead.


Let us roll up our sleeves to work harder.

(来源:经济日报·外企头条工作室记者:陈颐 朱琳 责编:张苇杭)

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