大家好,我是码农老吴,欢迎收看架构师书房。上期,我们聊了如何简化switch语句,本期,我们看看如何简化深层嵌套的条件语句(deeply nested conditional)。
BinaryTreeNode:二分查找树节点(binary search tree node)。
package eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree;
public class BinaryTreeNode> {
private final T value;
private BinaryTreeNode left;
private BinaryTreeNode right;
public BinaryTreeNode(T value) {
this.value = value;
public void insert(T value) {
if (value.compareTo(this.value) < 0) {
if (left != null) {
} else {
left = new BinaryTreeNode(value);
} else {
if (right != null) {
} else {
right = new BinaryTreeNode(value);
public BinaryTreeNode getLeft() {
return left;
public BinaryTreeNode getRight() {
return right;
public T getValue() {
return value;
public boolean isLeaf() {
return left == null && right == null;
package eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree;
public class TreeException extends RuntimeException {
public TreeException(String msg) {
以下代码calculateDepth方法,if else 有三层嵌套。
package eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree.v1;
import eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree.TreeException;
import eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree.BinaryTreeNode;
public class BinaryTreeSearch {
// tag::calculateDepth[]
public static int calculateDepth(BinaryTreeNode t, int n) {
int depth = 0;
if (t.getValue() == n) {
return depth;
} else {
if (n < t.getValue()) {
BinaryTreeNode left = t.getLeft();
if (left == null) {
throw new TreeException("Value not found in tree!");
} else {
return 1 + calculateDepth(left, n);
} else {
BinaryTreeNode right = t.getRight();
if (right == null) {
throw new TreeException("Value not found in tree!");
} else {
return 1 + calculateDepth(right, n);
// end::calculateDepth[]
(Replace nested conditional with Guard clauses pattern)
Guard clauses pattern
A guard clause is a software pattern that simplifies complex functions by “failing fast”, checking for invalid inputs up front and immediately failing if any are found.
package eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree.v2;
import eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree.BinaryTreeNode;
import eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree.TreeException;
public class BinaryTreeSearch {
// tag::calculateDepth[]
public static int calculateDepth(BinaryTreeNode t, int n) {
int depth = 0;
if (t.getValue() == n)
return depth;
if (n < t.getValue() && t.getLeft() != null)
return 1 + calculateDepth(t.getLeft(), n);
if (n > t.getValue() && t.getRight() != null)
return 1 + calculateDepth(t.getRight(), n);
throw new TreeException("Value not found in tree!");
// end::calculateDepth[]
package eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree.v3;
import eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree.BinaryTreeNode;
import eu.sig.training.ch03.binarytree.TreeException;
public class BinaryTreeSearch {
// tag::calculateDepth[]
public static int calculateDepth(BinaryTreeNode t, int n) {
int depth = 0;
if (t.getValue() == n)
return depth;
return traverseByValue(t, n);
private static int traverseByValue(BinaryTreeNode t, int n) {
BinaryTreeNode childNode = getChildNode(t, n);
if (childNode == null) {
throw new TreeException("Value not found in tree!");
} else {
return 1 + calculateDepth(childNode, n);
private static BinaryTreeNode getChildNode(
BinaryTreeNode t, int n) {
if (n < t.getValue()) {
return t.getLeft();
} else {
return t.getRight();
// end::calculateDepth[]
本期我们就聊到这里,下期,我们开始聊第三个原则,不写重复的代码(Write code once)。
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