Musk:I do want emphasize that spaceX and tesla fundamentally intended to improve the probability of the future is good. So this will do more they will do more than anything I do from a chiaritable standpoint. In terms of usefulness to humanity, I mean tesla is about accelerating subtainable energy, obviously that's important. SpaceX is about making life multi planetary and of course providing a global internet through starlink.
These are fundamental goods that the good of those companies will far exceed anything that I do from a charitable standpoint. I have to say it is very difficult to give away money effectively. If you care about the money actually doing good and not really the perception of doing good. It's a big struggle to give away money effectively. You know hunger these day is more of a political and logistics problem than it is not having enough food, there's a lot of food. In fact you know in US and many coutries the issue is more ovesity than it is a hunger.#马斯克##SpaceX##特斯拉##慈善##北大学生向美国捐赠#
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