Apple发布新的“锁定模式”让iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 免受间谍软件侵害

Apple发布新的“锁定模式”让iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 免受间谍软件侵害

Apple on Wednesday announced it plans to introduce an enhanced security setting called Lockdown Mode in iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and macOS Ventura to safeguard high-risk users against "highly targeted cyberattacks."

苹果本周三宣布,它计划在 iOS 16、iPadOS 16 和 macOS Ventura 中引入一种称为锁定模式的增强安全设置,以保护高风险用户免受“高度针对性的网络攻击”。

The "extreme, optional protection" feature, now available for preview in beta versions of its upcoming software, is designed to counter a surge in threats posed by private companies developing state-sponsored surveillanceware such as Pegasus, DevilsTongue, Predator, and Hermit.

“最大程度的可选保护”功能现在可以在其即将推出的beta 版本中预览,旨在应对私营企业开发国家资助的监视软件(如Pegasus、DevilsTongue、Predator和Hermit )所带来的威胁。

Lockdown Mode, when enabled, "hardens device defenses and strictly limits certain functionalities, sharply reducing the attack surface that potentially could be exploited by highly targeted mercenary spyware," Apple said in a statement.


Apple发布新的“锁定模式”让iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 免受间谍软件侵害

This includes blocking most message attachment types other than images and disabling link previews in Messages; rendering inoperative just-in-time (JIT) JavaScript compilation; removing support for shared albums in Photos; and preventing incoming FaceTime calls from unknown numbers.

包括阻止除图像以外的大多数消息附件类型以及禁用消息中的链接预览;无效的即时 ( JIT ) JavaScript 编译;取消对照片中共享相册的支持;防止来自未知号码的 FaceTime 来电。

Other restrictions cut off wired connections with a computer or accessory when an iPhone is locked and, most importantly, prohibit configuration profiles — a feature that's been abused to sideload apps bypassing the App Store — from being installed.

当 iPhone被锁定时,其他限制会切断与计算机或配件的有线连接,最重要的是,禁止安装配置文件——这是一项被滥用以绕过 App Store 的应用程序的功能——安装。

The tech giant also noted that it plans to incorporate additional countermeasures to Lockdown Mode over time, while simultaneously inviting feedback from the security research community to identify "qualifying findings" that will be eligible for up to $2 million in bug bounties.


It's worth noting that the feature will not be switched on by default, but can be accessed by heading to Settings > Privacy & Security > Lockdown Mode.


The announcement arrives a month after Apple debuted a new Rapid Security Response feature in iOS 16 and macOS Ventura that aims to deploy security fixes without the need for a full operating system version update.

该公告是在 Apple 在 iOS 16 和 macOS Ventura 中推出新的快速安全响应功能一个月后发布的,该功能旨在部署安全修复程序,而无需完整的操作系统版本更新。

Google and Meta offer analogous software features known as Advanced Account Protection and Facebook Protect that are meant to secure the accounts of individuals who are at an "elevated risk of targeted online attacks" from takeover attempts. But it won't be surprising if Google follows suit with a similar feature on Android.

Google 和 Meta 提供了类似的软件功能,称为 Advanced Account Protection 和 Facebook Protect,旨在保护处于“有针对性的在线攻击风险较高”的个人的帐户免受接管企图。但是,如果 Google 在 Android 上效仿类似的功能也就不足为奇了。





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