麒麟天下连续第四年在RHT Rajan Menon基金会举办的2018年年度高尔夫慈善活动中成为重要赞助商。作为一个在新加坡注册的慈善机构和慈善组织,RHT Rajan Menon基金会致力于为新加坡的社区需求提供服务,例如环境保护努力、对弱势群体的援助、艺术等等。在过去的三年里,RHT Rajan Menon基金会为不同的受益人筹集了超过60万新元。
麒麟天下的赞助也将走向成功的老龄化项目,一个由RHT Rajan Menon基金会、新加坡红十字会和阿尔茨海默病协会发起的项目,为老年人提供基本的法律知識指导,帮助他们的家庭成员和照顾者。
到目前为止,麒麟天下的慈善事业和贡献是公司的骄傲。每年有25万美元用于慈善和教育。除了RHT Rajan Menon基金会的慈善高尔夫,麒麟天下还为新加坡国立大学、Straits Times学校零花钱基金、残障儿童协会和智障儿童协会(Johor Bahru)提供慈善捐款。
麒麟天下有限公司是一家以亚洲为基础的家族辦公室,其高管和代表遍布全球。它们为在全球市场上经营的私人和公共企业提供量身定制的贷款解决方案。麒麟天下 的专长是向全球资本市场提供无追索权的股票贷款、回购和私人大宗购买的流动性。欲了解更多信息,请联系:杰伊·多布罗斯基或访问http://www.qilinfinance.com。
For the fourth consecutive year running, Qilin World Capital is delighted to be a key sponsor at RHT Rajan Menon Foundation’s annual golf charity event 2018. As a registered charity and grant-making philanthropic organization based in Singapore, the RHT Rajan Menon Foundation is dedicated towards serving a range of community needs in Singapore, such as environmental conservation efforts, assistance for disadvantaged groups, the arts, and more. Over the past three years, the RHT Rajan Menon Foundation has raised more than S$600,000 for various beneficiaries over the past 3 years.
A key supporter since 2015, Qilin World Capital’s platinum sponsorship of S$50,000 this year will go towards the Singapore Management University Pro Bono Centre, which advances its core values of facilitating access to justice via the campus legal clinics for the underprivileged, as well as fostering a deeper engagement in pro bono public activities through community outreaches.
Qilin’s sponsorship will also go towards the Successful Aging Project, an initiative by RHT Rajan Menon Foundation, Singapore Red Cross and Alzheimer’s Disease Association to help the elderly by providing basic legal and first aid guidance to their family members and caregivers.
In line with Qilin’s very own initiative to give back to society by choosing to make a difference in a socially responsible manner, these meaningful causes will support educational pursuits and offer assistance to disadvantaged groups.
To date, Qilin’s charitable works and contributions is the pride of the company. Every year, quarter of a million dollars is set aside for charities and education. Besides RHT Rajan Menon Foundation Charity Golf, Qilin World Capital also breeds goodwill with charitable donations to the National University of Singapore (NUS), Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund, and Handicapped and Mentally Disabled Children Association Johor Bahru, just to name a few.
As charitable golf tournaments become a part of Qilin World Capital’s deep-seated culture of charitable giving, Qilin hopes that doing good will spur the firm to achieve greater success. In Chinese mythology, Qilin is believed to be a benevolent creature. Its appearance is regarded as an auspicious sign, said to signify prosperity and serenity. With the right financing tools, Qilin World Capital believes that a culture of socially responsible individuals can be cultivated and provide educational development to the next generation.
About Qilin World Capital
Qilin World Capital is an Asian based lending group with executives and representatives all over the world. They specialize in the creation of customized lending solutions for private and public companies operating in the global marketplaces. Qilin specializes in providing liquidity to the global capital markets in the form of non-recourse stock loans, repo’s and private block purchases. For more information, contact: Jay Dombroski or visit http://www.qilinfinance.com
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