2010 年马化腾的一次 QQ 弹窗,让原本在人生关键时分才会被写下的一句 " 艰难的决定 " 成为网络热词。
从此之后,做出 " 艰难的决定 " 变得不再艰难,很多时候艰难的决定也未必导致不开心的结果。
比如今天,马斯克就做出了一个 " 艰难的决定 "。
今天早上,马斯克在 Twitter 上和一封发向全体员工的电子邮件中表示,特斯拉将裁员 9%。
近些年特斯拉飞速的扩张,也让团队成员的数量随之飞速膨胀,特斯拉自己公布的全球雇员人数已经超过了 30000 人,这还是在合并 SolarCity 太阳城之后裁员了 20% 的结果。
进入 2018 年以来,马斯克对于最重要的工作部门采取了直管的方式,以便加速推进核心目标的完成,在今年 2 月,马斯克直接负责了特斯拉的销售部门,而 4 月份马斯克睡工厂的消息,也印证了他开始直管工厂生产的传言。
被裁掉的员工全部属于固定薪酬职位,并且与生产岗位无关,在这个 Model 3 产能飙升的时候,马斯克不允许生产出现一丝问题。
马斯克也表示 " 说再见非常难 ",将对每一位被裁员工提供可观的薪酬以及股票赔偿。
" 我们今天做出这一艰难的决定,是为了以后不再这样做 "。
From: Elon Musk
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 10:27 AM
To: Everybody
Subject: Reorg Update
As described previously, we are conducting a comprehensive organizational restructuring across our whole company. Tesla has grown and evolved rapidly over the past several years, which has resulted in some duplication of roles and some job functions that, while they made sense in the past, are difficult to justify today.
As part of this effort, and the need to reduce costs and become profitable, we have made the difficult decision to let go of approximately 9% of our colleagues across the company. These cuts were almost entirely made from our salaried population and no production associates were included, so this will not affect our ability to reach Model 3 production targets in the coming months.
Given that Tesla has never made an annual profit in the almost 15 years since we have existed, profit is obviously not what motivates us. What drives us is our mission to accelerate the world ’ s transition to sustainable, clean energy, but we will never achieve that mission unless we eventually demonstrate that we can be sustainably profitable. That is a valid and fair criticism of Tesla ’ s history to date.
This week, we are informing those whose roles are impacted by this action. We made these decisions by evaluating the criticality of each position, whether certain jobs could be done more efficiently and productively, and by assessing the specific skills and abilities of each individual in the company. As you know, we are also continuing to flatten our management structure to help us communicate better, eliminate bureaucracy and move faster.
In addition to this company-wide restructuring, we have decided not to renew our residential sales agreement with Home Depot in order to focus our efforts on selling solar power in Tesla stores and online. The majority of Tesla employees working at Home Depot will be offered the opportunity to move over to Tesla retail locations.
I would like to thank everyone who is departing Tesla for their hard work over the years. I ’ m deeply grateful for your many contributions to our mission. It is very difficult to say goodbye. In order to minimize the impact, Tesla is providing significant salary and stock vesting ( proportionate to length of service ) to those we are letting go.
To be clear, Tesla will still continue to hire outstanding talent in critical roles as we move forward and there is still a significant need for additional production personnel. I also want to emphasize that we are making this hard decision now so that we never have to do this again.
To those who are departing, thank you for everything you have done for Tesla and we wish you well in your future opportunities. To those remaining, I would like to thank you in advance for the difficult job that remains ahead. We are a small company in one of the toughest and most competitive industries on Earth, where just staying alive, let alone growing, is a form of victory ( Tesla and Ford remain the only American car companies who haven ’ t gone bankrupt ) . Yet, despite our tiny size, Tesla has already played a major role in moving the auto industry towards sustainable electric transport and moving the energy industry towards sustainable power generation and storage. We must continue to drive that forward for the good of the world.
Thanks, Elon
作为这一现象的结果,以及为了更好地降低成本实现盈利,我们做出了一个艰难的决定,那就是解雇公司大约 9% 的同事。这些职位全部属于特斯拉的固定薪酬岗位,并不会涉及到与生产相关的人员,因此这并不会影响到我们未来几个月 Model 3 的产能目标。
考虑到在特斯拉之前的 15 年历史中我们从未实现过年度盈利,可以说利润并不是我们的首要动力,毕竟我们的核心使命是加速世界向可持续能源的转变。但实现可持续的盈利是我们实现这一使命的必经途径,同时盈利也是对特斯拉迄今为止一切努力的合理且公正的回报。
除了特斯拉公司内的重组,我们决定不在与 Home Depot 继续签订住宅配套的太阳能销售协议,我们将集中精力在特斯拉直营店在在线商城中销售太阳能,绝大多数在 Home Depot 工作的特斯拉员工将有机会获得在特斯拉直营店工作的机会。
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