7.13 chandoso在宝钞仓库造事儿, 一场艺术与音乐的融合演出










(free stickers for you if i drink lots of Jagermeister shots that night!!)

Time 时间:July. 13 Fri. 9pm

7月13 周五 晚9点



Add地址: #10 Baochao Hutong


Price 票价:Free/ 要啥门票


Beijing Underground presents : Art and Music is an event featuring multiple artist/music collaborations in a live performance setting.


Music: DJ Boss Cuts/ LiErYang李尔杨/ Jordan Darling

Sardine is Back and the Wheel is Broken/ Jukka Ahonen

Art: chandoso/ 九尚 9 SHANG/ Christophe/ Jony/ Chris



chandoso draws upon influences from life spent in the streets of Bogotá, Madrid and Beijing. chandoso’s work occasionally capitalizes on exploring spontaneity -while other work focuses on conveying a deeper rhetoric. Just as punk music is all at once chaotic and clear, chandoso is a departure from the traditional rules of art.


DJ Boss Cuts

现在就请揭掉你防晒用的面具,让飘散在雾霾之上的紫外线从皮肤径直照射进你我灵魂,随着1950和1960年代的山区乡村摇滚, 车库摇滚, 爵士, 灵魂乐,放克和土豆泥跳起希米舞步,与瓦图西族共同扭动腰肢。DJ Boss Cuts网罗美国,澳洲,意大利, 日本等地最牛逼冲浪原盘,45s和12”,在Temple,Dada,School, 和4 Corners等都有过精彩呈现。

Bust out the facekinis and do the shimmy, the swim, the mashed potato, the twist, and the watusi to 1950s and ’60s rockabilly, surf, garage, jazz, soul and funk. DJ Boss Cuts is a collector of original 45s from the United States, Australia, Italy and Japan and has performed at Temple, Dada, School, and 4 Corners.


Christophe is a French born and educated photographer who studied fine art painting and related beaux arts in Paris in the mid-1980s. Initially a fine art painter with a large body of work in oil painting, inks and lead drawings. From January 2016 onward he devoted two years of solid daily work to the mastery of the camera, the lens, negatives and associated editing softwares while working on a wide variety of portfolios to create his own unique style. Having chosen black & white photography as his main tool for artistic expression and almost invariably concentrating on the quality of the light to make his contrasts compelling, we can recognise some of the techniques and feelings created under an ink brush or a graphite pencil or even an oily texture as the subject may be. In December 2017 Christophe received two awards from Beijing, one for Excellence in work being presented and another one as second prize in a competition. In 2016 Christophe did receive an Honour award from VSCO Select for curated work showing exceptional content from around the world.


在北京新生代的独立音乐人中,李尔杨是极富有颠覆性的一位,不同音乐风格的不断探索,声音的构建和拆解,吉他演奏语言的不断突破,都无法使他满足。地下音乐现场的磨砺使他不断的反思,从狂躁的先锋的,轰鸣堆积的声音实验,到平静的融合世界音乐与中国传统音乐元素的新尝试,年仅22岁的他蕴藏着无限的可能。 现在,他正用清澈的吉他小心翼翼而放纵地包裹着那些斑斓的诗,并在舞台上将灵魂升起。他尝试去突破,用真实和专注游走在边界,净化和唤醒是他的使命。

Jukka Ahonen

Jukka Ahonen plays guitar, bass, keyboards some flutes and composes music. He has a history of playing music like punk, progressive rock, krautrock, space rock, post-rock, folk, jazz, blues. As a composer, besides writing for bands, he is interested about experimenting with structure (aleatory) and unusual rhythmic textures (polyrhytms, polymeters, and odd time) as well as different intonations (just intonation and overtones) and improvisation. Jukka majored in Music Anthropology but studied playing instruments by himself. He has been playing guitar since the mid 90’s and teaching guitar since 2012.

有丰富的演奏朋克,progressive, kraut, space, 民谣,爵士,蓝调等音乐的经验。作为作曲家,除了为乐队写作外,还有兴趣对结构(aleatory)和复杂的节奏(polyrhytms,polymeters 和 odd time)以及不同的语调(只是语调和泛音)进行研究。除了吉他,他还演奏钢琴,长笛和贝斯。

Jordan Darling

Jordan Darling的嗓音有一种神奇的魔力,它能让你一次就感到心碎,并让你立马爱上她! 她的旋律独立民谣风格,让人感觉更现代和耳目一新。然而她受到了很多人的影响,例如 Joni Mitchell和The Cardigans, Rilo Kiley和Imogen Heap等等。 Jordan曾经在美国和以色列还有中国进行过巡演。她的歌词表达了她自己的很多想法,融合了她内心的自省和对于艺术的各种细思妙想。

Jordan Darling has a voice that could break your heart and make you fall in love all at once! Her style of melodic indie-folk music feels modern and refreshing, yet she wears a wide variety of influences on her sleeves, ranging from classic artists such as Joni Mitchell and The Cardigans, to innovative performers like Rilo Kiley and Imogen Heap, only to mention a few. Jordan had the chance to travel throughout the world, playing her heartfelt and passionate songs to audiences in the United States, Israel, and China. Her lyrics come from a very personal place, bridging the gaps between genuine introspection and whimsical artistry…half heart, half art!

九尚 9 SHANG


Sardine is Back and the Wheel is Broken

An improvised punk band. 想了解更多请移步他们的网站: https://sibatwib.bandcamp.com


Born of a hellhound and the Bull of Heaven, Chris—named after the sound made by the tab being pulled from a soda can—is a real artist, not a phony. He draws his inspiration from nature, and his work is noted for its realistic depictions of both man and beast. Some have criticized his work for lacking diversity, citing the paucity of the female form in his oeuvre. However, he has answered that criticism by pointing out his inability to draw breasts, and he insists that it is not due to latent homersexuality, as many critics have speculated.



Film photographer, based in Beijing. Her personal photographic work contains a large number of film works, focusing on shooting portrait, good at using lens language to describe the characters’ emotions. She has her own understanding of love and life, which makes her work have a unique texture, always able to settle a quiet and powerful moment. In her photos, you can see the emotions that are ordinary and precious, beautiful and lost, broken and bright, just like the taste of our life.


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