外媒评测Android 9 Pie正式版

昨天谷歌已经推出了Android 9 Pie正式版,官方声称有诸多重大更新,具体内容不再复述。外媒第一时间评测这个刚诞生的新系统,以下是评测结论:

So overall, Android 9 Pie doesn't seem to provide any tangible performance improvements. Instead, it focuses on visual tweaks and quality-of-life improvements more than anything else.

It feels more modern, more in tune with the times, even if not exactly novel. We'll just have to see how much of a trendsetter this iteration of AOSP turns out to be in the future.

大意是,Android 9 Pie正式版在性能上没有实质性改进,改进主要体现在用户界面和电池管理上,系统外观更加时尚而已。

下图是Google Pixel 2 XL 手机运行Android 8.0 Oreo和运行Android 9 Pie的电池待机时间对比,略感失望。

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