It runs cool and uses one tenth the power of traditional spinning drives.
Intel has unsheathed its first "ruler" SSD, a bizarre device with a 12-inch long housing and colossal amount of storage. Intel created the new form factor last year to cram as much storage as possible into a "1U" server form factor, with optimal thermal efficiency. The DC P4500 is the first drive with that design and fits 32TB into one twentieth the space that regular hard disks would take up, while consuming a tenth the power.
英特尔已经发布了第一款“ruler”固态硬盘,这是一款具有12英寸长外壳和巨大存储空间的奇怪设备。英特尔去年创建了新的外形,将尽可能多的存储空间塞入“1U”服务器外形,并实现最佳的热效率。 DC P4500是第一款采用这种设计的驱动器,它将32TB安装到常规硬盘占用空间的二十分之一,同时消耗十分之一的功率。
Intel notes that 32 of the SSDs could be lined up side by side to store a petabyte in a single server slot. At the same time, the device's unique shape means that it requires only half the airflow of regular SSDs to keep cool. "This is one of the reasons some of the world's biggest data companies -- IBM, Microsoft and Tencent -- are using the new 'ruler' SSD to support their cloud and data center operations," Intel said.
英特尔指出,32个SSD可以并排排列,在一个服务器插槽中存储一个PB级。同时,该设备独特的外形意味着它只需要常规SSD的一半气流来保持冷却。 “这是世界上一些最大的数据公司 - IBM,微软和腾讯 - 正在使用新的'统治者'SSD来支持他们的云和数据中心运营的原因之一,”英特尔表示。
SSD's are advancing more rapidly than most other kinds of tech, both for consumers and cloud providers. Prices have stayed kind of stuck recently, but Samsung, for one, just unveiled a 4TB SSD that uses 1 terabit chips, and promised they would "herald a massive move to terabyte-SSDs for consumers." You'll still have to wait a while for your own 32TB SSD, though.
与消费者和云提供商的大多数其他技术相比,SSD的发展速度更快。最近价格一直处于停滞状态,但三星刚刚推出了一款使用1太比特芯片的4TB固态硬盘,并承诺这将“预示着向消费者大量转向太字节固态硬盘”。但是,您仍需要等待一段时间才能使用自己的32TB SSD。
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