



Reed Hastings:You know it's mix of judgment and what we cury, and we're curated service versus a platform. So we have an easier set of issues which is what are these great films and series that we acquire. But then within that the algorithm is a tool. You know what we I think we learn and you have to be humble and so to say look there's no perfect tool.

Out the algorithms one part the way we commission the content our relationships with societies. So there's a lot of ways that we have to look at it. So if you get too stock in like let's just increase viewing or just increase subscribers, you're unlikely to be able to grow and be the greatest company you wan to be. So think of it as this multiple measures a success. And we see that with all new technologies I mean yesterday we're talking about printed dna. And it's like talk about could be fantastic or could be horrific.

You know all new tech when television was first popular in the 19 sixties in the US it was called a vast wasteland. You know and the television was going to rot the mind of everybody, it turns out everybody minds were fine. All new technologies have pros and cons, and in social we're just figuring that out.(根据采访视频翻译)



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