本次实验项目源码来源之前我写的Shiro-CTF的源码 https://github.com/SummerSec/JavaLearnVulnerability/tree/master/shiro/shiro-ctf ,项目需要database文件上传到GitHub项目 learning-codeql 上。
本文的漏洞分析文章 一道shiro反序列化题目引发的思考 ,看本文之前看完这漏洞分析会更好地理解。但本文会从全新的角度去挖掘审计漏洞,但难免会有之前既定思维。如果你有兴趣和我一起交流学习CodeQL可以联系summersec#qq.com。
挖掘反序列化漏洞,首先得找到入口。可以反序列化的类型首先肯定是实现了接口 Serializable ,其次会有一个字段 serialVersionUID ,所以我们可以从找字段或者找实现接口 Serializable 入手进行代码分析。
import java /*找到可以序列化类,实现了Serializable接口 */ from Class cl where cl.getASupertype() instanceof TypeSerializable /* 递归判断类是不是实现Serializable接口*/ and cl.fromSource() /* 限制来源 */ select cl
/* 查询语句 */
使用 RefType.hasQualifiedName(string packageName, string className) 来识别具有给定包名和类名的类,这里使用一个类继承 RefType ,使代码可读性更高点。例如下面两端QL代码是等效的:
import javafrom RefType rwhere r.hasQualifiedName("com.summersec.shiroctf.bean", "User")select r
import java /* 找到实例化User的类 */ class MyUser extends RefType{ MyUser(){ this.hasQualifiedName("com.summersec.shiroctf.bean", "User") } } from ClassInstanceExpr clie where clie.getType() instanceof MyUser
select clie
可以发现在 IndexController 类59行处实例化 User 类。
IndexController :
package com.summersec.shiroctf.controller;import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;import com.summersec.shiroctf.Tools.LogHandler;import com.summersec.shiroctf.Tools.Tools;import com.summersec.shiroctf.bean.User;import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;@Controllerpublic class IndexController { public IndexController() { } @GetMapping({"/"}) public String main() { return "redirect:login"; } @GetMapping({"/index/{name}"}) public String index(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @PathVariable String name) throws Exception { Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); boolean exist = false; Cookie cookie = null; User user = null; if (cookies != null) { Cookie[] var8 = cookies; int var9 = cookies.length; for(int var10 = 0; var10 < var9; ++var10) { Cookie c = var8[var10]; if (c.getName().equals("hacker")) { exist = true; cookie = c; break; } } } if (exist) { byte[] bytes = Tools.base64Decode(cookie.getValue()); user = (User)Tools.deserialize(bytes); } else { user = new User(); user.setID(1); user.setUserName(name); cookie = new Cookie("hacker", Tools.base64Encode(Tools.serialize(user))); response.addCookie(cookie); } request.setAttribute("hacker", user); request.setAttribute("logs", new LogHandler()); return "index"; } }
查看源码有 Base64 编码解码函数、序列化、反序列化以及 exeCmd 方法,该函数可以执行命令
对于 Tools#deserialize 方法可以编写规则:
import javaclass Deserialize extends RefType{ Deserialize(){ this.hasQualifiedName("com.summersec.shiroctf.Tools", "Tools") } }class DeserializeTobytes extends Method{ DeserializeTobytes(){ this.getDeclaringType() instanceof Deserialize and this.hasName("deserialize") } }from DeserializeTobytes des select des
对于 Tools#exeCmd 方法的调用可以找到,也可以发现问题 LogHandler 类调用了两次 exeCmd 方法。
import java/* 找到调用exeCmd方法 */from MethodAccess exeCmd where exeCmd.getMethod().hasName("exeCmd")
select exeCmd
下面是 exeCmd 方法的源码,不能发现可以执行任何命令,传入的参数 commandStr 即将被执行的命令。
public static String exeCmd( String commandStr) {
BufferedReader br = null ; String OS = System.getProperty( "os.name" ).toLowerCase(); try {
Process p = null ; if (OS.startsWith( "win" )){
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( new String []{ "cmd" , "/c" , commandStr});
} else {
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( new String []{ "/bin/bash" , "-c" , commandStr});
br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String line = null ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null ) {
sb.append(line + " " );
} return sb.toString();
} catch (Exception var5) {
var5.printStackTrace(); return "error" ;
对 IndexController 简单提炼出处理逻辑,画出数据流程图:
HttpServletRequest request = null
Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); Cookie cookie = c
byte[] bytes = Tools.base64Decode(cookie.getValue());
= (User)Tools.deserialize(bytes);
现在已经确定了(a)程序中接收不受信任数据的地方和(b)程序中可能执行不安全的程序序列化的地方。现在把这两个地方联系起来:未受信任的数据是否流向潜在的不安全的反序列化调用?在程序分析中,我们称之为 数据流 问题。数据流作用:这个表达式是否持有一个源程序中某一特定地方的值呢?
污点分析是一种跟踪并分析污点信息在程序中流动的技术。在漏洞分析中,使用污点分析技术将所感兴趣的数据(通常来自程序的外部输入)标记为 污点数据 ,然后通过跟踪和污点数据相关的信息的流向,可以知道它们是否会影响某些关键的程序操作,进而挖掘程序漏洞。
int func (int tainted) { int x = tainted; if (someCondition) { int y = x;
} else { return x;
} return -1 ;
上面的方法的数据流图是下面这样子,这个图表示污点参数的数据流。图的节点代表有值的程序元素,如函数参数和表达式。该图的边代表着流经这些节点的流量。变量 y 的取值依赖于变量 x 的取值,如果变量 x 是污染的,那么变量 y 也应该是污染的。
污点分析简单介绍 对污点分析做了详细的介绍
CodeQL-数据流在Java中的使用 百度某大佬对CodeQL数据流分析的见解
CodeQL workshop for Java Unsafe deserialization in Apache Struts 官方对数据流分析简单介绍(中英对照翻译版)
首先确定一下 source 和 sink ,现在可以知道的是 IndexController 类中的 index 函数的参数 request 是可以用户可控可以作为一个 source 。然后现在目前已知可以反序列化函数点在 Tools#deserialize 方法的传入参数 bytes ,可以作为一个 sink 。
class Myindex extends RefType{
Myindex(){ this .hasQualifiedName( "com.summersec.shiroctf.controller" , "IndexController" )
} class MyindexTomenthod extends Method{
MyindexTomenthod(){ this .getDeclaringType().getAnAncestor() instanceof Myindex and
this .hasName( "index" )
predicate isDes (Expr arg) {
exists(MethodAccess des |
des.getMethod().hasName( "deserialize" )
arg = des.getArgument( 0 )
* @name Unsafe shiro deserialization
* @kind problem
* @id java/unsafe-deserialization
import java import semmle.code.java.dataflow.DataFlow // TODO add previous class and predicate definitions here class ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig extends DataFlow: :Configuration {
ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig() { this = "ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig" }
override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
exists( /** TODO fill me in **/ |
source.asParameter() = /** TODO fill me in **/
override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
exists( /** TODO fill me in **/ | /** TODO fill me in **/
sink.asExpr() = /** TODO fill me in **/
from ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig config, DataFlow::Node source, DataFlow::Node sink
where config.hasFlow(source, sink)
select sink,
"Unsafe Shiro deserialization"
CodeQL的注释部分是对查询结果有影响的, @kind 关键词将 problem 转换为 path -problem 告诉CodeQL工具将这个查询的结果解释为路径结果。
* @name Unsafe shiro deserialization
* @kind path-problem
* @id java/unsafe-deserialization
import java import semmle.code.java.dataflow.DataFlow import semmle.code.java.dataflow.
predicate isDes
(Expr arg)
exists(MethodAccess des |
des.getMethod().hasName( "deserialize" )
arg = des.getArgument( 0 ))
} class Myindex extends RefType{
Myindex(){ this .hasQualifiedName( "com.summersec.shiroctf.controller" , "IndexController" )
} class MyindexTomenthod extends Method{
MyindexTomenthod(){ this .getDeclaringType().getAnAncestor() instanceof Myindex and
this .hasName( "index" )
} class ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig extends TaintTracking: :Configuration {
ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig() {
this = "ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig"
override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
exists(MyindexTomenthod m | // m.
source.asParameter() = m.getParameter( 0 )
override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
exists(Expr arg|
isDes(arg) and
sink.asExpr() = arg /* bytes */
from ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig config, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink
where config.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink, source, sink,
"Unsafe Shiro deserialization"
Exception during results interpretation: Interpreting query results failed: A fatal error occurred: Could not process query metadata.
Error was: Expected result pattern( s ) are not present for query kind "path-problem" : Expected between two and four result patterns. [INVALID_RESULT_PATTERNS]
[ 2021 - 04 - 06 15 : 53 : 16 ] Exception caught at top level: Could not process query metadata.
Error was: Expected result pattern( s ) are not present for query kind "path-problem" : Expected between two and four result patterns. [INVALID_RESULT_PATTERNS]
com.semmle.cli2.bqrs.InterpretCommand.executeSubcommand(InterpretCommand.java: 123 )
com.semmle.cli2.picocli.SubcommandCommon.executeWithParent(SubcommandCommon.java: 414 )
com.semmle.cli2.execute.CliServerCommand.lambda$executeSubcommand$0(CliServerCommand.java: 67 )
com.semmle.cli2.picocli.SubcommandMaker.runMain(SubcommandMaker.java: 201 )
com.semmle.cli2.execute.CliServerCommand.executeSubcommand(CliServerCommand.java: 67 )
com.semmle.cli2.picocli.SubcommandCommon.call(SubcommandCommon.java: 430 )
com.semmle.cli2.picocli.SubcommandMaker.runMain(SubcommandMaker.java: 201 )
com.semmle.cli2.picocli.SubcommandMaker.runMain(SubcommandMaker.java: 209 )
com.semmle.cli2.CodeQL.main(CodeQL.java: 91 )
. Will show raw results instead.
当时询问了几个大佬,没解决之后,去GitHub实验室的Discussion去提问老外帮忙解决的。Discussion332 大致意思时导入 import DataFlow::PathGraph 而不是 import semmle.code.java.dataflow.TaintTracking
* @name Unsafe shiro deserialization
* @kind path-problem
* @id java/unsafe-deserialization
import java import semmle.code.java.dataflow.DataFlow //import semmle.code.java.dataflow.TaintTracking import DataFlow::
predicate isDes
(Expr arg)
exists(MethodAccess des |
des.getMethod().hasName( "deserialize" )
arg = des.getArgument( 0 ))
} class Myindex extends RefType{
Myindex(){ this .hasQualifiedName( "com.summersec.shiroctf.controller" , "IndexController" )
} class MyindexTomenthod extends Method{
MyindexTomenthod(){ this .getDeclaringType().getAnAncestor() instanceof Myindex and
this .hasName( "index" )
} class ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig extends TaintTracking: :Configuration {
ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig() {
this = "ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig"
override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
exists(MyindexTomenthod m | // m.
source.asParameter() = m.getParameter( 0 )
override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
exists(Expr arg|
isDes(arg) and
sink.asExpr() = arg /* bytes */
from ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig config, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink
where config.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink, source, sink,
"Unsafe Shiro deserialization"
第二次尝试之后,我把全部代码逻辑在脑子进行无数次演算,不断的推敲逻辑是否可行。实在没办法之后咨询了某度大佬之后,师傅建议使用 RemoteFlowSource ,在翻开博客之后成功解决。后期大佬解释了 RemoteFlowSource 的作用,该类考虑了很多种用户输入数据的情况。
* @name Unsafe shiro deserialization
* @kind path-problem
* @id java/unsafe-shiro-deserialization
import java import semmle.code.java.dataflow.FlowSources import DataFlow::
predicate isDes
(Expr arg)
exists(MethodAccess des |
des.getMethod().hasName( "deserialize" )
arg = des.getArgument( 0 )
} class ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig extends TaintTracking: :Configuration {
ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig() {
this = "StrutsUnsafeDeserializationConfig"
override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
source instanceof RemoteFlowSource
override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
exists(Expr arg|
isDes(arg) and
sink.asExpr() = arg /* bytes */
from ShiroUnsafeDeserializationConfig config, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink
where config.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "Unsafe shiro deserialization" ,source.getNode(), "this user input"
// select sink, source, sink, "Unsafe shiro deserialization" ,source, "this user input"
其实查到这里并没有达到我心理的预期,预期结果是将: request->cookies->cookie->bytes 整个路径查询出来。于是我又去Discussion去提问了,Disuccsion334 ,起初我没看懂老外的意思,老外也没有懂我的意思,语言的障碍,下面是对话内容:
老外给的答案,大致意思这样子已经很好,没有必要去追求。实在想的话,得把source部分改了并且增加谓词 isAdditionTaintStep 。
目前找到了可控用户输入数据到反序列化整个链,但如何去利用呢?前面我发现 LogHandler 类是调用了 Tools#exeCmd 方法,利用调用该类此特性就可以完成Exploit的编写。利用方式参考一道shiro反序列化题目引发的思考 ,这里就不在赘述。
LogHandler源码 :
private Object target; private String readLog = "tail accessLog.txt" ; private String writeLog = "echo /test >> accessLog.txt" ; public LogHandler () {
} public LogHandler (Object target) { this .target = target;
} @Override public Object invoke (Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
Tools.exeCmd( this .writeLog.replaceAll( "/test" , (String)args[ 0 ])); return method.invoke( this .target, args);
} @Override public String toString () { return Tools.exeCmd( this .readLog);
如何找到 Source 和定位 Sink 是本文的重点,在CodeQL规则中也是一个重点。但让规则更加完美处理中间额外污染步骤 AdditionalTainStep 也很重要,本文对此并没有涉及。对于小白来说,可能这篇文章还是有点难度,我已经尽可能写小白化了。对于学过CodeQL入门的童鞋应该是刚刚好。
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