本文原文为英文版在Mediun上发行阅读,由许雯慧本人翻译,讲述Core Chain (核心链)Satoshi Plus共识,将以英文对照中文翻译形式
In “Core Blockchain Origin,” we laid out how the history of Bitcoin and Ethereum have inspired our mission to scale Bitcoin’s fire to new heights utilizing many of Ethereum’s superpowers. To accomplish this bold objective, Core needs a new consensus algorithm capable of combining Bitcoin’s decentralization and security with Ethereum’s scalability and efficiency. Today, we present Satoshi Plus consensus.
在“核心区块链起源”一文中,我们阐述了比特币和以太坊的历史如何激发了我们的使命,即利用以太坊的许多超级力量将比特币的火提升到新的高度。为了实现这一大胆的目标,Core需要一种新的共识算法,该算法能够将比特币的分散化和安全性与以太坊的可扩展性和效率相结合。今天,我们提出Satoshi Plus共识。
Security, scalability, and decentralization are the three core elements of any worthwhile blockchain. In describing our historical influence in our first post, we illustrated how blockchain innovation has increasingly trended away from decentralization. The reason for this trend is best explained using the Blockchain Trilemma, which states that all cryptocurrencies must make tradeoffs between optimal security, scalability, and decentralization. Until now.
Core’s Satoshi Plus consensus balances the elements challenged by the blockchain trilemma by employing a state-of-the-art Validator election mechanism combining the most critical elements of both the Bitcoin network’s Proof of Work (PoW) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). On top of this, Core is also EVM compatible.
Core的Satoshi Plus共识通过采用最先进的验证器选举机制,结合比特币网络的工作证明(PoW)和委托权益证明(DPO)的最关键要素,平衡了区块链三重困境所挑战的要素。除此之外,Core还与EVM兼容。
Proof of Work:工作证明:
As its name implies, Satoshi Plus consensus begins with the Bitcoin Network. Rather than developing a completely new and independent Proof of Work algorithm, Satoshi Plus directly leverages Bitcoin’s proven and preeminent PoW system. Specifically, Satoshi Plus’ PoW component includes Bitcoin miners in the election of Core’s Validator Set by having Bitcoin miners directly delegate their hash power to their preferred Validators. This hash power is the energy expenditure that ensures two of the essential blockchain elements. First, it operates as the skin in the game necessary to secure a truthful ledger. Second, it preserves decentralization by encouraging participation from the most decentralized consensus network in the blockchain world.
顾名思义,Satoshi Plus共识始于比特币网络。Satoshi Plus没有开发全新的独立工作证明算法,而是直接利用比特币经验证的卓越PoW系统。具体而言,Satoshi Plus的PoW组件通过让比特币矿工直接将其哈希权限委托给其首选验证器,将比特币矿工纳入核心验证器集的选举。这种散列能力是确保两个基本区块链元素的能量消耗。首先,它在游戏中起着保护真实账本所必需的作用。其次,它通过鼓励区块链世界中最分散的共识网络的参与来维护分散化。
Complementing the decentralized security of Bitcoin’s PoW, Satoshi Plus also utilizes a form of Ethereum’s scalable and energy-efficient Proof of Stake consensus. Instead of using the secure, yet inefficient consumption of energy, PoS verifies transactions by selecting validators that have a large amount of the native tokens staked as collateral. Problematically, however, the large staking requirements restrict small token holders from participating.
Satoshi Plus还利用以太坊的一种可扩展且节能的股权证明共识,作为比特币PoW分散安全性的补充。PoS并没有使用安全但低效的能源消耗,而是通过选择有大量本机代币作为抵押品的验证器来验证交易。然而,有问题的是,大额赌注要求限制了小型代币持有人的参与。
In an attempt to level the playing field, Satoshi Plus utilizes Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), which grants all CORE holders voting power in electing the validator set by delegating their CORE holdings to eligible Validators. By allowing even small-stake CORE holders to participate in the validator election process, DPoS empowers the Core community and incentivizes the democratization of staked CORE.
为了营造公平的竞争环境,Satoshi Plus利用委托股权证明(DPO),通过将其持有的核心股权委托给合格的验证者,授予所有核心持有人选举验证者的投票权。通过允许小股东核心持有人参与验证者选举过程,DPO赋予核心社区权力,并激励已押核心的民主化。
Thus, Satoshi Plus’ DPoS provides scalability on top of PoW’s significant decentralization and security, while still carefully maintaining the decentralization of Validator Set voters and the security ensured by skin-in-the-game incentives.
因此,Satoshi Plus的DPO在PoW显著的分散化和安全性的基础上提供了可扩展性,同时仍然谨慎地维护验证程序集投票者的分散化和游戏中皮肤激励所确保的安全性。
Core Combination:核心组合:
Individually, PoW and DPoS are powerful consensus mechanisms, but what makes Satoshi Plus special is the combination of the two. In order to combine the decentralized security of BTC-powered PoW and the scalability of DPoS, Satoshi Plus’ Validator Election Mechanism selects Validators with the optimal blend of BTC hash power and staked CORE to comprise the Validator Set and produce blocks both securely and efficiently. With a lean Validator Set securely elected by a decentralized delegating/voting base, Satoshi Plus offers a high transaction rate and increased scalability without compromising security and decentralization.
就个人而言,PoW和DPO是强大的共识机制,但佐藤+特别之处在于两者的结合。为了将BTC供电PoW的分散安全性和DPO的可扩展性结合起来,Satoshi Plus的验证器选择机制选择具有BTC哈希能力和桩核的最佳混合的验证器,组成验证器集,并安全高效地生成块。Satoshi Plus拥有由分散的授权/投票基础安全选出的精简验证器集,在不影响安全性和分散性的情况下,提供了高交易率和更高的可扩展性。
The combination of Proof of Work, Delegated Proof of Stake, and an efficient Validator Election Mechanism optimally blends security, scalability, and decentralization. Additional security and scalability is provided by other network participants such as Relayers and Verifiers, which adhere to carefully constructed stick-and-carrot incentives. All the details behind those components and more will be revealed in the upcoming White Paper. Stay tuned!
Core Chain (核心链)提出解决三难困境(不可能三角问题)的最佳方案以及提出新共识算法和21个验证器节点…如果本文内容翻译,存在问题缺陷,请在下方评论区补充感谢您阅读
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