本次论坛由中国汽车工程学会国际汽车工程科技创新战略研究院副院长战静静主持。国际路线图委员会联席主席、中国工程院院士、国家智能网联汽车创新中心首席科学家、清华大学教授李克强发表致辞;国际路线图委员会联席主席、欧洲道路交通研究咨询委员会(European Road Transport Research Advisory Council, ERTRAC)联席主席、互联协作式自动驾驶协会(CCAM Association)主席 Armin Gräter先生在线上发表致辞。
Prof. Li Keqiang
Co-chair of International Communication and Cooperation Committee of ICV Roadmaps
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Professor of School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University
Chief Scientist of National Innovation Center of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles
Armin Gräter
Co-chair of International Communication and Cooperation Committee of ICV Roadmaps
Co-chair of ERTRAC
Chair of CCAM Association
李克强教授作为发起人与联席主席,代表国际路线图委员会发布“国际智能网联汽车路线图合作交流委员会”共识。国际路线图委员会秘书长、中国汽车工程学会副秘书长、中国智能网联汽车产业创新联盟秘书长公维洁女士,国际路线图委员会联席主席Armin Gräter先生、国际路线图委员会顾问委员、欧洲道路运输通信实施协调组织(ERTICO)CEO Joost Vantomme 先生,国际路线图委员会委员、5GAA CTO Maxime Flament 博士,国际路线图委员会委员、Drive Sweden主席Jan Hellåker先生,国际路线图委员会委员、ZENZIC 技术总监 Francis McKinney 先生,发表了主题演讲。
Li Keqiang
Release the International ICV Roadmaps Consensus
Gong Weijie
Introduction of China’s ICV Technology Roadmap and the White Paper of Global ICV Roadmaps
Armin Gräter
European Strategy on Research and Demonstration of Cooperative and Automated Mobility
Joost Vantomme
ERTICO CCAM Roadmap 2020-2035
Dr.Maxime Flament
2030 Roadmap for Advanced Driving Use Cases, Connectivity Technologies, and Radio Spectrum Needs
Jan Hellåker
Driver Sweden’s Outlook for the Transportation System
Francis McKinney
The UK Connected and Automated Mobility Roadmap to 2030
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