"""多线程同步(函数化)"""# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import threadingimport datetimeimport time__author__ = 'Evan'locks = Nonethread_pool = Nonedef unit_test(sleep_time): """ 多线程单元测试 :param sleep_time: 睡眠时间 :return: """ # locks.acquire() 获取锁 -- 获取锁之后,其他的线程在此等待 with thread_pool: # 使用线程池控制多线程进入的数量,超过限定数量在此阻塞 print('current thread name {}'.format(threading.current_thread().name)) # 当前线程名 print('{} --> start sleep_time ({})'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), sleep_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) print('{} --> sleep_time ({}) finish'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), sleep_time)) # locks.release() 释放锁 -- 如果不释放锁,后续的线程会一直被阻塞不能进入def thread_run(sleep_list): """ 执行多线程 :param sleep_list: 睡眠时间列表 :return: """ global locks, thread_pool locks = threading.Lock() # 线程锁 max_value = 3 # 设置可同时执行的最大线程数为3 thread_pool = threading.Semaphore(value=max_value) # 初始化线程池 print('线程池最大数量:{}'.format(max_value)) threads = [] for i in sleep_list: # 配置所有线程 t = threading.Thread(target=unit_test, args=(i,)) threads.append(t) for thread in threads: # 开启所有线程 thread.start() while True: # 判断正在运行的线程数量, 控制执行的线程数量永远为4-1=3个 if len(threading.enumerate()) <= 4: # threading.enumerate()包括主线程和所有的活动子线程,长度最少为1 print('剩余活动线程数量: {}'.format(len(threading.enumerate()))) break # TODO thread.join()和下面的while循环都可阻塞所有线程,依据情况进行选择 # for thread in threads: # 主线程在此阻塞,等待所有线程结束 # thread.join() while True: # 当线程数量等于1时,并且只剩下一个主线程,退出循环 if len(threading.enumerate()) == 1 and 'MainThread(MainThread' in str(threading.enumerate()[0]): break print('所有线程执行结束')def main(): thread_run(sleep_list=[3, 2, 6, 1, 7, 5, 8])if __name__ == '__main__': main()
线程池最大数量:3current thread name Thread-1剩余活动线程数量: 22020-04-16 17:37:40.504859 --> start sleep_time (3)current thread name Thread-2剩余活动线程数量: 32020-04-16 17:37:40.504859 --> start sleep_time (2)current thread name Thread-3剩余活动线程数量: 42020-04-16 17:37:40.511841 --> start sleep_time (6)2020-04-16 17:37:42.512497 --> sleep_time (2) finish剩余活动线程数量: 4current thread name Thread-42020-04-16 17:37:42.512497 --> start sleep_time (1)2020-04-16 17:37:43.510862 --> sleep_time (3) finish2020-04-16 17:37:43.516815 --> sleep_time (1) finish剩余活动线程数量: 4current thread name Thread-52020-04-16 17:37:43.516815 --> start sleep_time (7)current thread name Thread-6剩余活动线程数量: 42020-04-16 17:37:43.516815 --> start sleep_time (5)2020-04-16 17:37:46.529807 --> sleep_time (6) finishcurrent thread name Thread-72020-04-16 17:37:46.535790 --> start sleep_time (8)剩余活动线程数量: 42020-04-16 17:37:48.523479 --> sleep_time (5) finish2020-04-16 17:37:50.523099 --> sleep_time (7) finish2020-04-16 17:37:54.542362 --> sleep_time (8) finish所有线程执行结束
"""多线程同步(使用父类继承方法)"""# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import threadingimport timeimport datetime__author__ = 'Evan'class Test(threading.Thread): # 继承threading.Thread类 def __init__(self, sleep_time, thread_pool): super().__init__() # 执行父类的构造方法 self.sleep_time = sleep_time self.thread_pool = thread_pool # 线程池句柄 def run(self): """ 改写父类run方法,需要执行的多线程函数写在这里 :return: """ print('current thread name {}'.format(threading.current_thread().name)) # 当前线程名 print('{} --> start sleep_time ({})'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), self.sleep_time)) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) print('{} --> sleep_time ({}) finish'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), self.sleep_time)) self.thread_pool.release() # 释放线程锁,可用线程数加1if __name__ == '__main__': max_value = 4 pool = threading.Semaphore(value=max_value) # 线程池(设置可同时执行的最大线程数为4) print('线程池最大数量:{}'.format(max_value)) for i in [3, 2, 6, 1, 7]: pool.acquire() # 获得线程锁,可用线程数减1 t = Test(sleep_time=i, thread_pool=pool) # 实例化线程类 t.start() # 开启线程(线程会自动执行run方法)
线程池最大数量:4current thread name Thread-12020-02-24 12:57:52.198842 --> start sleep_time (3)current thread name Thread-22020-02-24 12:57:52.199840 --> start sleep_time (2)current thread name Thread-32020-02-24 12:57:52.199840 --> start sleep_time (6)current thread name Thread-42020-02-24 12:57:52.199840 --> start sleep_time (1)2020-02-24 12:57:53.200647 --> sleep_time (1) finishcurrent thread name Thread-52020-02-24 12:57:53.202368 --> start sleep_time (7)2020-02-24 12:57:54.200846 --> sleep_time (2) finish2020-02-24 12:57:55.199718 --> sleep_time (3) finish2020-02-24 12:57:58.200735 --> sleep_time (6) finish2020-02-24 12:58:00.202727 --> sleep_time (7) finish
"""多线程异步"""# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import timeimport datetimefrom concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor__author__ = 'Evan'def unit_test(sleep_time): """ 多线程单元测试 :param sleep_time: 睡眠时间 :return: """ print('{} --> start sleep_time ({})'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), sleep_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) print('{} --> sleep_time ({}) finish'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), sleep_time))def main(): max_value = 4 # 线程池最大数量 thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_value) # 初始化线程池 print('线程池最大数量:{}'.format(max_value)) # 异步多线程运行不会阻塞主线程,异步线程队列满了后会继续往下运行主线程,等队列释放后又回到异步线程继续执行 for i in [3, 2, 6, 1, 7]: thread_pool.submit(unit_test, i) print('{} --> 我是主线程'.format(time.ctime()))if __name__ == '__main__': main()
线程池最大数量:42020-02-24 13:00:35.349155 --> start sleep_time (3)2020-02-24 13:00:35.349155 --> start sleep_time (2)2020-02-24 13:00:35.350151 --> start sleep_time (6)2020-02-24 13:00:35.350151 --> start sleep_time (1)Mon Feb 24 13:00:35 2020 --> 我是主线程2020-02-24 13:00:36.351237 --> sleep_time (1) finish2020-02-24 13:00:36.351237 --> start sleep_time (7)2020-02-24 13:00:37.350428 --> sleep_time (2) finish2020-02-24 13:00:38.350457 --> sleep_time (3) finish2020-02-24 13:00:41.351857 --> sleep_time (6) finish2020-02-24 13:00:43.352244 --> sleep_time (7) finish
"""强制结束线程方法:1> 使用stop_thread函数关闭指定的单个线程2> 设置当前函数为守护进程,函数结束后会关闭所有的子线程 --> Set daemon=True"""# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import threadingimport timeimport inspectimport ctypesdef stop_thread(tid, exctype=SystemExit): tid = ctypes.c_long(tid.ident) if not inspect.isclass(exctype): exctype = type(exctype) res = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, ctypes.py_object(exctype)) if res == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid thread id") elif res != 1: ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, None) raise SystemError("PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc failed")def use_stop_thread_function(): def test_1(): while True: print('-------') time.sleep(1) print('Use stop thread function') t = threading.Thread(target=test_1) t.start() time.sleep(5) stop_thread(tid=t) print('Threads have been stopped')class UseDaemonFunction(object): def test_2(self, times): time.sleep(times) print('times: {}'.format(times)) def main(self): # 设置主线程 self.threads = threading.Thread(target=self._main, args=()) self.threads.start() def _main(self): print('Use daemon function') threads = [] for i in range(20): # 开启20个子线程 t = threading.Thread(target=self.test_2, args=(i, )) t.daemon = True # 设置当前函数为守护进程 threads.append(t) for i in threads: i.start() for i in threads: i.join() print('Threads have been stopped')if __name__ == "__main__": # use_stop_thread_function() # ————分割线———— use_daemon_funcion = UseDaemonFunction() use_daemon_funcion.main() # 执行20个子线程 time.sleep(5) # 杀死主线程,所有的子线程都会被关闭 stop_thread(tid=use_daemon_funcion.threads) print('All done')
Use daemon functiontimes: 0times: 1times: 2times: 3times: 4All donetimes: 5
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