US kills al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in drone① strike in Afghanistan
The United States killed al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a drone strike, President Joe Biden said Monday in a speech from the White House. “I authorized a precision strike that would remove him from the battlefield, once and for all,” Biden said. Zawahiri, who just turned 71 years old, had remained a visible international symbol of the group, 11 years after the US killed Osama bin Laden. At one point, he acted as bin Laden’s personal physician. Zawahiri was sheltering in downtown Kabul to reunite with his family, and was killed in “a precise tailored② airstrike” using two Hellfire missiles③. No American personnel were on the ground in Kabul at the time of the strike. (CNN)
① drone: [drəʊn] n. an aircraft without a pilot, controlled from the ground, used for taking photographs, dropping bombs, delivering goods, etc. (遥控的)无人驾驶飞机(或导弹)
② tailored: [ˈteɪləd] adj. made for a particular person or purpose 定制的,专门的
③ missile: [ˈmɪsl] n. a weapon that is sent through the air and that explodes when it hits the thing that it is aimed at 导弹
(Credit: BBC)
New Zealand’s borders fully open after long pandemic closure
New Zealand’s borders fully re-opened to visitors from around the world on Monday, for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic closed them in March 2020. New Zealand’s borders started reopening in February first for New Zealanders and restrictions have progressively eased. The process of reopening the borders ended last night with visitors who need visas and those on student visas now also allowed to return to New Zealand. New Zealand is now also letting cruise① ships and foreign recreational yachts docks at its ports. Most visitors arriving in New Zealand still need to be vaccinated against COVID and must take two COVID tests after arriving. However, there are no quarantine requirements. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Monday during a speech at the China Business Summit in Auckland that the final staged opening of the borders had been an enormous moment. (Reuters)
① cruise: [ kruːz] n. a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a holiday 巡游,乘船游览
(Credit: Reuters)
Surgeons use virtual reality techniques to separate conjoined twins
After emerging from a final risky surgery, Brazilian conjoined twin brothers Arthur and Bernardo Lima lay separated for the first time. They were born craniopagus①, meaning they were connected to each other with fused skulls and intertwined brains that shared vital veins. To ensure a smooth surgery, medical staff used virtual reality technology to rehearse② the painstaking procedure. It involved detailed imaging of the boys’ brains including CT and MRI scans, as well as checks on the rest of their bodies. Health workers, engineers and others collated data to create 3D virtual reality models of the twins’ brains to allow the teams to study their anatomy in great detail. The twins had seven surgeries, involving more than 27 hours of operating time in the final operation alone, and almost 100 medical staff. Medical experts had called the surgery impossible, but now they all agree that it is a remarkable achievement. (The Washington Post & BBC)
① craniopagus: [kreɪˈni:əʊpəgəs] n. a pair of twins joined at the heads 颅部连体双胞胎
② rehearse: [rɪˈhɜːs] v. to practice in preparation for a later public performance 预演
conjoined brothers after the surgery
(Credit: The Washington Post)
Nintendo Switch sales slump on chip shortage
Nintendo’s Switch sales fell significantly last quarter, dropping to 3.43 million units compared to 4.45 million during the same period last year, according to its earning report. The Kyoto-based gaming company chalked up① the Switch sales issue to a parts shortage. “Hardware production was impacted by factors such as the global shortage of semiconductor components, resulting in a decrease of hardware shipments,” the company said. The company expected procurement to improve “from late summer towards autumn”. Nintendo maintained its forecast to sell 21 million units in the year through end-March 2023, while it sold 23.06 million units last year. Investors are gauging the unwinding of a gaming boom among consumers who had been stuck at home during pandemic lockdowns. “Gaming is now bigger than ever, and a certain part of users stay on, but the party is certainly now over,” said Serkan Toto, founder of game industry consultancy Kantan Games. (Reuters & Engadget.com)
任天堂8月3日发布的财报显示,上一季度Switch游戏机销量大幅下跌至343万台,而去年同期销量为445万台。任天堂游戏公司总部位于京都,公司将Switch的销售问题归咎于零部件短缺。该公司称:“硬件生产受到全球半导体元件短缺等因素的影响,导致硬件出货量下降。”公司预计“夏末至秋季”零部件采购情况将有所改善。任天堂维持本财年销售预期,即截至2023年3月底,Switch年销量将达到2100万台,这一数字低于上一年的2306万台。目前,产生于疫情隔离期间的游戏消费热潮已经开始消退,投资者正在评估这一状况。游戏产业咨询公司Kantan Games的创始人Serkan Toto称:“如今游戏市场比以往任何时期都要庞大,一部分用户会持续消费,但现在盛况已然过去。”
① chalk up to: to consider that sth is caused by sth 把某事归结于
Nintendo Switch
(Credit: Reuters)
Brazil’s environment chief approved paving highway through Amazon despite his own agency’s warnings
Last week, Eduardo Bim, president of environmental agency IBAMA①, authorized Brazil’s federal government to begin repaving highway BR-319 between the cities of Manaus and Porto Velho, a route which cuts through the most pristine② area of the country’s Amazon rainforest. The decision was immediately criticized by environmental groups who say that repaving the route would encourage deforestation. The highway project was originally a key part of a plan by the country’s military dictatorship③ to develop the wild area and integrate it with the rest of the country. It was officially opened in 1976, but poor maintenance led to its abandonment by 1988. Since then, the road has been only partially usable. A study estimated the project would result in a fivefold rise in deforestation by 2030, the equivalent of an area larger than the US state of Florida. (CNN & The Guardian)
① IBAMA: The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources, known as IBAMA, is a federal agency under the Ministry of Environment. It acts in the protection of Brazilian natural resources. 巴西环境和可再生资源协会,简称IBAMA,是环境部下属的联邦机构。它致力于保护巴西的自然资源。
② pristine: [ˈprɪstiːn] adj. not developed or changed in any way; left in its original condition 未开发的;处于原始状态的
③ military dictatorship: The military dictatorship in Brazil was established on 1 April 1964, with support from the United States government, against President João Goulart. The Brazilian dictatorship lasted for 21 years, until 15 March 1985. 巴西的军事独裁政权于1964年4月1日在美国政府的支持下建立,反对若昂·古拉特总统。巴西的独裁统治持续了21年,直到1985年3月15日结束。
(Credit: CNN)
Volcano erupts near Iceland’s capital in seismic① hot spot
A volcano has erupted on a mountain near Iceland’s capital Reykjavik after days of rising earthquake activity in the area, the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) said on Wednesday. Images and livestreams by local news outlets showed lava② and smoke spewing from a fissure③ in the ground on the side of the Fagradalsfjall mountain, which last year saw an eruption that lasted six months. A “code red” was declared to prohibit airplanes from flying over the site although helicopters were sent in to survey the situation. If the outbreak was confirmed to be similar to the fissures seen last year, the aviation alert would likely be lowered to orange, signalling less danger, an agency spokesperson said. The Reykjanes Peninsula is a volcanic and seismic hot spot, and the outbreak took place just 25 km (15 miles) from Reykjavik and 15 km from the nation’s international airport. (Reuters)
① seismic: [ ˈsaɪzmɪk] adj. caused by or relating to an earthquake 地震的;地震相关的
② lava: [ˈlɑːvə] n. hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano (火山喷出的)熔岩;岩浆
③ fissure: [ˈfɪʃə(r)] n. a long deep crack in sth., especially in rock or in the earth 岩石、土地等中深长的)裂缝,裂隙
(Credit: Reuters)
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