



UPS announced that it is acquiring Bomi Group, an industry-leading multinational healthcare logistics provider in a bid that will enhance its end-to-end global Healthcare Logistics capabilities and expand scale in Europe and Latin America.


UPS said the transaction — which is expected to close by the end of the year subject to customary regulatory review and approval — will add temperature-controlled facilities in 14 countries and nearly 3,000 Bomi Group team members to the UPS Healthcare network in Europe and Latin America.

UPS 表示,该交易预计将在今年年底完成,但须经惯例监管审查和批准——将为欧洲和拉丁美洲的 UPS 医疗保健网络增加 14 个国家的温控设施和近 3,000 名 Bomi Group 团队成员。

The value and terms of the transaction are not being disclosed at this time, however, although J.P. Morgan Securities LLC served as the financial advisor to UPS.

然而,尽管摩根大通证券有限责任公司担任 UPS 的财务顾问,但目前尚未披露交易的价值和条款。

"As a leading global healthcare logistics company, Bomi enhances our portfolio of services and accelerates our journey to become the number one provider of complex healthcare logistics," said Kate Gutmann, EVP, and president of UPS International, Healthcare and Supply Chain Solutions.

“作为全球领先的医疗保健物流公司,Bomi 增强了我们的服务组合,并加快了我们成为复杂医疗保健物流第一供应商的步伐,”执行副总裁兼 UPS 国际、医疗保健和供应链解决方案总裁 Kate Gutmann 说。

"The combination of our two teams will significantly improve our healthcare customers’ ability to continue to develop and deliver life-saving innovations," Gutmann added.

“我们两个团队的合并将显着提高我们的医疗保健客户继续开发和提供挽救生命的创新的能力,”Gutmann 补充道。

UPS Healthcare expansion

UPS 医疗保健扩展

The acquisition will add more than 350 temperature-controlled vehicles and four million square feet (391k m2) to the UPS Healthcare global footprint.

此次收购将为 UPS Healthcare 的全球足迹增加 350 多辆温控车辆和 400 万平方英尺(39.1 万平方米)。

It will also play a key role in the delivery of next-generation pharmaceutical and biologic treatments that increasingly require time-critical and temperature-sensitive logistics.


"The acquisition of Bomi is part of UPS Healthcare's continued expansion of its network and services to meet growing demand – including Bomi, UPS Healthcare has doubled its global footprint since 2020," the Atlanta-headquartered logistics company said.

总部位于亚特兰大的物流公司表示:“收购 Bomi 是 UPS Healthcare 持续扩展其网络和服务以满足不断增长的需求的一部分——包括 Bomi,UPS Healthcare 自 2020 年以来已将其全球足迹翻了一番。”

It added that aside from this acquisition, recent expansions include newly constructed and soon-to-be-opened dedicated state-of-the-art healthcare logistics facilities in Germany and Australia, and expanded campuses in Hungary and the Netherlands.


UPS noted that key Bomi Group leaders, including CEO Marco Ruini, will continue in their roles to provide seamless service to Bomi Group customers after the transaction closes. Bomi's employees will also continue to play vital roles in the combined organization.

UPS 指出,包括首席执行官 Marco Ruini 在内的主要波米集团领导人将在交易完成后继续履行职责,为波米集团客户提供无缝服务。Bomi 的员工也将继续在合并后的组织中发挥重要作用。

"With over 35 years in the healthcare logistics industry, our team has developed best-in-class services designed to meet and exceed the needs of our medical technology and pharmaceutical customers," said Ruini of Bomi.

“我们的团队在医疗物流行业拥有超过 35 年的经验,开发出一流的服务,旨在满足并超越我们的医疗技术和制药客户的需求,”Bomi 的 Ruini 说。

"Joining the UPS team will expand those capabilities and create an even more integrated and powerful global network for our customers," the Bomi CEO added.

“加入 UPS 团队将扩展这些能力,并为我们的客户创建一个更加集成和强大的全球网络,”Bomi 首席执行官补充道。

Meanwhile, Wes Wheeler, UPS Healthcare president said the company is focused on building its healthcare logistics capabilities.

与此同时,UPS Healthcare 总裁 Wes Wheeler 表示,该公司专注于建立其医疗保健物流能力。

"We are excited to combine Bomi's talent, expertise, and capabilities with UPS Healthcare – together, we will provide unmatched solutions to our customers, powered by UPS’s integrated, global smart logistics network," Wheeler added.

“我们很高兴将 Bomi 的人才、专业知识和能力与 UPS Healthcare 相结合——在 UPS 的集成全球智能物流网络的支持下,我们将共同为我们的客户提供无与伦比的解决方案,”Wheeler 补充道。

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