谷歌云阻止了创纪录的每秒 4600 万次请求的 DDoS 攻击

Google's cloud division on Thursday disclosed it mitigated a series of HTTPS distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks which peaked at 46 million requests per second (RPS), making it the largest such recorded to date.

谷歌的云部门周四披露,它缓解了一系列 HTTPS 分布式拒绝服务 (DDoS) 攻击,峰值达到每秒 4600 万次请求 (RPS),使其成为迄今为止记录的最大此类攻击。

The attack, which occurred on June 1, targeting an unnamed Google Cloud Armor customer, is 76% larger than the 26 million RPS DDoS attack repealed by Cloudflare earlier this June.

该攻击发生在6月1日,目标是一位未透露姓名的Google Cloud Armor客户,比Cloudflare今年6月早些时候的2600万RPS DDoS攻击高出76%。

"To give a sense of the scale of the attack, that is like receiving all the daily requests to Wikipedia (one of the top 10 trafficked websites in the world) in just 10 seconds," Google Cloud's Emil Kiner and Satya Konduru said.

Google Cloud的Emil Kiner和Satya Konduru说:“为了了解攻击的规模,这就像在 10 秒内接收到维基百科(全球十大流量网站之一)的日常请求。”

It's said to have started around 9:45 a.m. PT with 10,000 RPS, before growing to 100,000 RPS eight minutes later and further ramping up within two minutes to hit a high of 46 million RPS at 10:18 a.m. PT. In all, the DDoS assault lasted for a total of 69 minutes.

据说它在太平洋时间上午 9:45 左右开始,RPS 为 10,000,然后在八分钟后增长到 100,000 RPS,并在两分钟内进一步上升,在太平洋时间上午 10:18 达到 4600 万 RPS 的高位。DDoS 攻击总共持续了 69 分钟。

Google said that the unexpectedly high volume of traffic originated from 5,256 IP addresses located in 132 countries, with Brazil, India, Russia, and Indonesia alone accounting for 31% of all the attack requests.

谷歌表示,出乎意料的高流量来自位于 132 个国家/地区的 5,256 个 IP 地址,仅巴西、印度、俄罗斯和印度尼西亚就占所有攻击请求的 31%。

22% of the IP addresses (1,169) corresponded to TOR exit nodes, but were responsible for just 3% of the attack traffic.

22% 的 IP 地址(1,169 个)对应于 TOR 出口节点,但仅占攻击流量的 3%。

"The attack leveraged encrypted requests (HTTPS) which would have taken added computing resources to generate," the company noted. "The geographic distribution and types of unsecured services leveraged to generate the attack matches the Mēris family of attacks."


In September 2021, the Mēris botnet was linked to a DDoS attack on Russian internet giant Yandex that peaked at 21.8 million RPS. Parts of the botnet's infrastructure were sinkholed in late September 2021.

2021 年 9 月,Mēris 僵尸网络与针对俄罗斯互联网巨头 Yandex 的 DDoS 攻击有关,该攻击达到 2180 万 RPS。僵尸网络的部分基础设施于2021年 9 月下旬陷入困境。

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