How old were Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Bill Gates when they started their businesses?
Mark Zuckerberg started a website named “” in his dorm room at Kirkland House inside Harvard as a 19 year old who was a couple of weeks shy of his 20th birthday. The aim was to make an online community for the Harvard students to interact and connect with each other. The website went on to become the $200 billion behemoth of a company with over 2 billion users we all know as Facebook Inc.
马克·扎克伯格 19 岁时,在他位于哈佛柯克兰学院的宿舍里创建了一个名为“”的网站,距离他的 20 岁生日还差几个星期。目的是为哈佛学生建立一个在线社区,让他们相互交流和联系。该网站继续成为一家拥有超过 20 亿用户的公司的 2000 亿美元的庞然大物,我们都知道它是 Facebook Inc。
Steve Jobs was a 21 year old young man when he was shown the Apple I computer designed and made by his genius friend, Steve Wozniak. The two friends agreed to start assembling and selling the Apple I computer at the garage of Jobs’ home, funded by capitalist Ronald Wayne, thus leading to the formation of Apple Computer Inc.
史蒂夫乔布斯是一个 21的年轻人,当时他看到了他的天才朋友史蒂夫沃兹尼亚克设计和制造的 Apple I 电脑。两个朋友同意在资本家罗纳德·韦恩的资助下,在乔布斯家的车库里组装和销售 Apple I 电脑,从而导致了 Apple Computer Inc. 的成立。
Elon Musk, unlike others, is the co-founder of several famous and successful ventures. His first company though was, Zip2, a software company, at the age of 24, along with his brother Kimbal Musk. He, today, is the stakeholder in several famous companies such as solarcity, SpaceX, Tesla amongst many others.
与其他人不同,埃隆马斯克是几家著名且成功的企业的联合创始人。不过,他的第一家公司是 Zip2,一家软件公司,当时他 24岁,还有他的兄弟 Kimbal Musk。如今,他是 Solarcity、SpaceX、Tesla 等多家知名公司的股东。
Bill Gates was a genius programming prodigy who at the age of 20 along with his childhood friend, Paul Allen, coded an interpreter named Altair BASIC which was redistributed by MITS and they named their partnership “Micro-soft”. Though the two had earlier founded a company named “Traf-O-Data” when Gates was 17 years old.
比尔盖茨是一位天才的编程神童,他在 20 岁时与他的儿时好友保罗艾伦一起编写了一个名为 Altair BASIC 解释器,该解释器是由 MITS 重新分发,他们将他们的合作伙伴命名为“微软”。尽管两人早些时候在盖茨 17岁时创立了一家名为“Traf-O-Data”的公司。
One conclusion can be drawn from this: they all started very young out as entrepreneurs.
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