# 10核心 20 线程
for thread in `seq 1 25`; do
mkdir -p ${i}
/usr/bin/time -v -o star.${i}.thread${thread}.log STAR --runMode alignReads \
--runThreadN ${thread} \
--readFilesIn ${i}_1.fastq.gz ${i}_2.fastq.gz \
--readFilesCommand zcat --genomeDir star_GRCh38 \
--outFileNamePrefix ${i}/${i}. --outFilterType BySJout --outSAMattributes NH HI AS NM MD \
--outFilterMultimapNmax 20 --alignSJoverhangMin 8 --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 \
--alignIntronMin 20 --alignIntronMax 1000000 \
--alignMatesGapMax 1000000 \
--outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.66 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.66 \
--winAnchorMultimapNmax 70 --seedSearchStartLmax 45 \
--outSAMattrIHstart 0 --outSAMstrandField intronMotif \
--genomeLoad LoadAndKeep \
--outTmpDir /tmp/${i}/ \
--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --quantMode GeneCounts
du -s ${i} | awk 'BEGIN{OFS=" "}{print "Output_size: "$1/10^6}' >>star.${i}.thread${thread}.log
/bin/rm -f GRCh38_39517_star_reads_map_thread.summary
for thread in `seq 1 25`; do
echo ${thread} | \
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=" "}{print "nThreads"; print $1}' | \
awk -v outputHeader=${thread} -f ./timeIntegrate2.awk - star.${i}.thread${thread}.log \
Time_cost Memory_cost nCPU Output_size nThreads
25.962 28.9048 0.98 5.58423 1
13.98 29.311 1.97 5.58424 2
9.95217 29.5176 2.93 5.58425 3
7.77033 29.7221 3.85 5.58426 4
6.356 29.9266 4.78 5.58428 5
5.1585 30.1311 5.61 5.58422 6
4.69233 30.3356 6.37 5.58426 7
4.51 30.5401 6.69 5.58429 8
4.39683 30.7445 6.94 5.58423 9
4.38017 30.949 6.99 5.58426 10
4.41233 31.1535 6.99 5.58424 11
4.45333 31.358 6.94 5.58424 12
4.41033 31.5624 6.95 5.58429 13
4.44267 31.7669 6.88 5.58428 14
4.4595 31.9714 6.87 5.58426 15
4.50567 32.0859 6.85 5.58424 16
4.458 32.2639 6.92 5.58429 17
4.46417 32.4802 6.86 5.58428 18
4.497 32.6487 6.91 5.58425 19
4.4425 32.8489 6.95 5.58426 20
4.46817 32.9927 6.92 5.5843 21
4.4555 33.1738 6.97 5.58426 22
4.45483 33.3675 6.94 5.58426 23
4.46133 33.5499 6.99 5.58428 24
4.42733 33.7143 6.99 5.58426 25
library(ImageGP) 、sp_scatterplot(“GRCh38_39517_star_reads_map_thread.summary”, melted = T, xvariable = “nThreads”, yvariable = “Time_cost”, smooth_method = “auto”, x_label =”Number of specified threads”, y_label = “Running time (minutes)”) + scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1,25, by=1)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(1,25, by=1))
# 这时绘图要注意,是否加limits=c(0,34)图给人的第一印象不同。
sp_scatterplot("GRCh38_39517_star_reads_map_thread.summary", melted = T, xvariable = "nThreads",
yvariable = "Memory_cost", smooth_method = "auto",
x_label ="Number of specified threads", y_label = "Maximum physical memory required (Gb)") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1,25, by=1)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(1,34, by=1),limits=c(0,34))
sp_scatterplot("GRCh38_39517_star_reads_map_thread.summary", melted = T, xvariable = "nThreads",
yvariable = "Output_size", smooth_method = "auto",
x_label ="Number of specified threads", y_label = "Disk space usages (Gb)") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1,25, by=1)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,6, by=1),limits=c(0,6))
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