


网友Aletheia 1天前

原文:The Airbus Zephyr 8, built in the UK and first flown in 2018, currently holds the world record for the longest continuous flight of a solar-powered drone aircraft: 64 days



网友thass wongsawan 22小时前

原文:I get the feeling that China going to be the first country to build a real "Arsenal Bird" from Ace combat series



网友Uday Kaushal 1天前

原文:Amazing country, amazing speed of development, that's how you use your workforce to build the second most powerful country in the world.Love it or hate it China is going to rule very soon.



网友Soumyadeep loves to explore 1天前

原文:With this new invention, the business sector of technology in China will get a high level of demand in the market



网友Leonard Pearlman 1天前

原文:I recall hearing about this a few years ago, the idea being that if it could get enough altitude in the day, it could glide at night, maybe losing thousands of feet of altitude, then climb again all the next day. I think it's attractive and looks nicely executed, a huge wispy thing. Speaking of reconnaissance platforms, there isn't much to target here from the ground, I imagine? No heat signature to speak of, and probably doesn't look like much on radar!



网友Saint FluffySnow 1天前

原文:its design is aimed at "on demand" moderately high altitude 20,000 m reconnaissance needs loitering around for "regions of interest" during periods when satellite coverage is unavailable (satellites positioned outside the window of coverage),without resorting to sending another low-orbit satellite by rocket booster



网友Patria y vida! 1天前

原文:This is an amazing accomplishment. Meanwhile, US planes crash & Europe is looking forward to warming up themselves with firewood in the winter.



网友Damned Juggernaut 1天前

原文:Do you think a solar powered hydrogen airship is a viable vehicle for cargo and research?



网友Bally S 1天前

原文:I hope we can also develop solar-powered pseudo-satellites. That would be a tremendous capability for us, since it could stay up for several months before needing to land for refuelling and repairs.



网友your math tutor 1天前

原文:Cats infinity is a best options..... we can deploy them in large number for pin point information.And this can be also used as a more precise data.Making a drone is a quiet difficult but data link and communication with these long ranges drones is more serious techs.



网友Arush Singh 1天前

原文:In my opinion, delta wing solar-powered UAVs will be better as they have a larger wing area to mount more panels


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