摘要:高红移类星体是研究宇宙早期超大质量黑洞、宇宙再电离以及早期结构形成的重要探针。我们最近在宇宙再电离时期(红移7 左右)发现的十亿倍太阳质量级别的超大质量黑洞对种子黑洞的形成及增长的机制提出了挑战,并引出了一系列需要解决的问题。现有的一些理论模型或者数值模拟可以预言这种超大质量黑洞的形成,但产生这些黑洞所需要的条件都非常苛刻,尤其是对黑洞所在的暗物质晕及大尺度的环境有着比较严格的要求。从观测角度上,我们对这些早期黑洞原初环境的认知更是寥寥无几。在本报告中,我将重点介绍如何利用宽视场相机(如Subaru/HSC)以及成像光谱仪(如Keck/DEIMOS和Magellan/IMACS)来研究宇宙早期超大质量黑洞的大尺度环境。与此同时,我还会简单介绍成像光谱仪的测光及光谱数据的处理。最后我将简单介绍一下我们团队领导的詹姆斯-韦布望远镜(JWST)和ALMA 的多个观测项目以及如何利用这些项目进一步增进我们对宇宙早期黑洞的暗物质晕及其原初环境的了解。
个人简介:王飞格,2017年于北京大学获取天体物理学博士学位,2017年10月-2019 年9月在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校做博士后,2019年10月至今在亚利桑那大学做哈勃学者。研究方向为观测宇宙学,主要研究高红移类星体和星系,超大质量黑洞,原星系团,宇宙再电离,星系际介质和星系周介质等。同时,他也参与开发并完善了用于现代天文数据处理的通用型软件。
Title: The Environment of the Earliest Supermassive Black Holes
Abstract: Distant quasars are believed to be powered by accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and hosted by massive galaxies. The discovery of quasars in the Epoch of Reionization, powered by billion-solar-mass black holes, challenges our understanding of SMBH formation. An assortment of cosmological simulation models can produce these massive SMBHs starting with massive seed black holes, growing from the most biased dark matter halos and situated in the most overdone regions of the early Universe. However, the large-scale environment and the host dark matter halo of these earliest SMBHs are still largely unknown in the observational perspective. In this talk, I will present our recent efforts on characterizing the primordial environment of the earliest SMBHs with wide-field imaging and multi-slit spectroscopy, especially using Magellan/IMACS and Keck/DEIMOS, and discuss about its implications on the black hole fueling mechanisms. I will also briefly introduce our upcoming JWST and ALMA observations which will revolutionize our understanding about the formation of the first generation SMBHs.
Bio: Feige Wang got his PhD from Peking University in 2017. From 2017 to 2019, he was an ENIGMA postdoc scholar at UC Santa Barbara. Since 2019, he has been a NASA Hubble Fellow hosted by the University of Arizona. He is an observational astrophysicist and is interested in studying the most distant quasars and galaxies, the earliest supermassive black holes (SMBHs), proto-clusters, cosmic reionization, and metal enrichment in the early universe. He is also experienced with developing data reduction pipelines for both wide-field camera and spectrograph.
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