
编译 | 李言

Nature, 15 December 2022, Volume 612 Issue 7940



Disorder-assisted assembly of strongly correlated fluids of light


 作者:Brendan Saxberg, Andrei Vrajitoarea, Gabrielle Roberts, Margaret G. Panetta, Jonathan Simon David I. Schuster







Here we construct low-entropy quantum fluids of light in a Bose–Hubbard circuit by combining particle-by-particle assembly and adiabatic preparation. We inject individual photons into a disordered lattice for which the eigenstates are known and localized, then adiabatically remove this disorder, enabling quantum fluctuations to melt the photons into a fluid. Using our platform, we first benchmark this lattice melting technique by building and characterizing arbitrary single-particle-in-a-box states, then assemble multiparticle strongly correlated fluids. Intersite entanglement measurements performed through single-site tomography indicate that the particles in the fluid delocalize, whereas two-body density correlation measurements demonstrate that they also avoid one another, revealing Friedel oscillations characteristic of a Tonks–Girardeau gas.

Majorana-like Coulomb spectroscopy in the absence of zero-bias peaks


 作者:Marco Valentini, Maksim Borovkov, Elsa Prada, Sara Martí-Sánchez, Marc Botifoll, Andrea Hofmann, Jordi Arbiol, Ramón Aguado, Pablo San-Jose Georgios Katsaros







Here we devise an experimental protocol that allows us to perform both types of measurement on the same hybrid island by adjusting its charging energy via tunable junctions to the normal leads. This method reduces ambiguities of Majorana detections by checking the consistency between CB spectroscopy and zero-bias peaks in non-blockaded transport. Specifically, we observe junction-dependent, even–odd modulated, single-electron CB peaks in InAs/Al hybrid nanowires without concomitant low-bias peaks in tunnelling spectroscopy. We provide a theoretical interpretation of the experimental observations in terms of low-energy, longitudinally confined island states rather than overlapping Majorana modes.

材料科学Materials Science

Anomalous thermal transport under high pressure in boron arsenide


 作者:Suixuan Li, Zihao Qin, Huan Wu, Man Li, Martin Kunz, Ahmet Alatas, Abby Kavner Yongjie Hu







Here we report in situ thermal transport measurements in the newly discovered semiconductor crystal boron arsenide, and observe an anomalous pressure dependence of the thermal conductivity. We use ultrafast optics, Raman spectroscopy and inelastic X-ray scattering measurements to examine the phonon bandstructure evolution of the optical and acoustic branches, as well as thermal conductivity under varied temperatures and pressures up to 32 gigapascals. Using atomistic theory, we attribute the anomalous high-pressure behaviour to competitive heat conduction channels from interactive high-order anharmonicity physics inherent to the unique phonon bandstructure.


Wetland emission and atmospheric sink changes explain methane growth in 2020


 作者:Shushi Peng, Xin Lin, Rona L. Thompson, Yi Xi, Gang Liu, Didier Hauglustaine, Xin Lan, Benjamin Poulter, Michel Ramonet, Marielle Saunois, Yi Yin, Zhen Zhang, Bo Zheng Philippe Ciais




在此,我们量化了2020年与2019年相比甲烷来源及其大气汇的变化。我们发现,在全球范围内,人为排放总量每年减少1.2±0.1太克甲烷,火灾排放每年减少6.5±0.1 太克甲烷,湿地排放每年增加6.0±2.3 太克甲烷每年

与2019年相比,对流层氢氧根浓度下降了1.6%±0.2%,主要原因是在大流行封控期间,人为氮氧化物排放减少,导致相对应的对流层游离臭氧减少。根据大气逆温,我们还推断出2020年全球净排放量相对于2019年增加了每年6.9±2.1 太克甲烷,与OH反应的全球甲烷去除率减少了每年7.5±0.8 太克甲烷。



Here we quantify changes in methane sources and in its atmospheric sink in 2020 compared with 2019. We find that, globally, total anthropogenic emissions decreased by 1.2 ± 0.1 teragrams of methane per year (Tg CH4 yr−1, fire emissions decreased by 6.5 ± 0.1 Tg  CH4 yr−1 and wetland emissions increased by 6.0 ± 2.3 Tg  CH4 yr−1. Tropospheric OH concentration decreased by 1.6 ± 0.2 per cent relative to 2019, mainly as a result of lower anthropogenic nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and associated lower free tropospheric ozone during pandemic lockdowns. From atmospheric inversions, we also infer that global net emissions increased by 6.9 ± 2.1 Tg  CH4 yr−1 in 2020 relative to 2019, and global methane removal from reaction with OH decreased by 7.5 ± 0.8 Tg  CH4 yr−1. Therefore, we attribute the methane growth rate anomaly in 2020 relative to 2019 to lower OH sink (53 ± 10 per cent) and higher natural emissions (47 ± 16 per cent), mostly from wetlands. In line with previous findings, our results imply that wetland methane emissions are sensitive to a warmer and wetter climate and could act as a positive feedback mechanism in the future.

Widespread herbivory cost in tropical nitrogen-fixing tree species


 作者:Will Barker, Liza S. Comita, S. Joseph Wright, Oliver L. Phillips, Brian E. Sedio Sarah A. Batterman








Here we examine whether herbivory by animals is responsible for limiting symbiotic nitrogen fixation in tropical forests. We evaluate whether nitrogen-fixing trees experience more herbivory than other trees, whether herbivory carries a substantial carbon cost, and whether high herbivory is a result of herbivores targeting the nitrogen-rich leaves of fixers. We analysed 1,626 leaves from 350 seedlings of 43 tropical tree species in Panama and found that: (1) although herbivory reduces the growth and survival of all seedlings, nitrogen-fixing trees undergo 26% more herbivory than non-fixers; (2) fixers have 34% higher carbon opportunity costs owing to herbivory than non-fixers, exceeding the metabolic cost of fixing nitrogen; and (3) the high herbivory of fixers is not driven by high leaf nitrogen. Our findings reveal that herbivory may be sufficient to limit tropical symbiotic nitrogen fixation and could constrain its role in alleviating nitrogen limitation on the tropical carbon sink.


The pupal moulting fluid has evolved social functions in ants


 作者:Orli Snir, Hanan Alwaseem, Søren Heissel, Anurag Sharma, Stephany Valdés-Rodríguez, Thomas S. Carroll, Caroline S. Jiang, Jacopo Razzauti Daniel J. C. Kronauer








Here, using a reverse engineering approach, we reveal that unlike solitary insects, ant pupae extrude a secretion derived from the moulting fluid that is rich in nutrients, hormones and neuroactive substances. This secretion elicits parental care behaviour and is rapidly removed and consumed by the adults. This behaviour is crucial for pupal survival; if the secretion is not removed, pupae develop fungal infections and die. Analogous to mammalian milk, the secretion is also an important source of early larval nutrition, and young larvae exhibit stunted growth and decreased survival without access to the fluid. We show that this derived social function of the moulting fluid generalizes across the ants. This secretion thus forms the basis of a central and hitherto overlooked interaction network in ant societies, and constitutes a rare example of how a conserved developmental process can be co-opted to provide the mechanistic basis of social interactions. These results implicate moulting fluids in having a major role in the evolution of ant eusociality.

编辑 | 方圆

排版 | 李言



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