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日期: 来源:科学网收集编辑:科学网
编译 | 冯维维

Nature, 26 January 2023, Volume 613 Issue 7945



Down-conversion of a single photon as a probe of many-body localization


▲ 作者:Nitish Mehta, Roman Kuzmin, Cristiano Ciuti & Vladimir E. Manucharyan

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Decay of a particle into more particles is a ubiquitous phenomenon to interacting quantum systems, taking place in colliders, nuclear reactors or solids. In a nonlinear medium, even a single photon would decay by down-converting (splitting) into lower-frequency photons with the same total energy, at a rate given by Fermi’s golden rule. However, the energy-conservation condition cannot be matched precisely if the medium is finite and only supports quantized modes. Here we implement such an experiment using a superconducting multimode cavity, the nonlinearity of which was tailored to strongly violate the photon-number conservation. The resulting interaction attempts to convert a single photon excitation into a shower of low-energy photons but fails owing to the many-body localization mechanism, which manifests as a striking spectral fine structure of multiparticle resonances at the standing-wave-mode frequencies of the cavity. Each resonance was identified as a many-body state of radiation composed of photons from a broad frequency range and not obeying Fermi’s golden rule theory. Our result introduces a new platform to explore the fundamentals of many-body localization without having to control many atoms or qubits.

In-plane charged domain walls with memristive behaviour in a ferroelectric film


▲ 作者:Zhongran Liu, Han Wang, Ming Li, Lingling Tao, Tula R. Paudel, Hongyang Yu, Yuxuan Wang, Siyuan Hong, Meng Zhang, Zhaohui Ren, Yanwu Xie, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Jingsheng Chen, Ze Zhang & He Tian

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▲ Abstract:

Domain-wall nanoelectronics is considered to be a new paradigm for non-volatile memory and logic technologies in which domain walls, rather than domains, serve as an active element. Especially interesting are charged domain walls in ferroelectric structures, which have subnanometre thicknesses and exhibit non-trivial electronic and transport properties that are useful for various nanoelectronics applications. Here we report a strategy for the controllable creation and manipulation of in-plane charged domain walls in BiFeO3 ferroelectric films a few nanometres thick. By using an in situ biasing technique within a scanning transmission electron microscope, an unconventional layer-by-layer switching mechanism is detected in which ferroelectric domain growth occurs in the direction parallel to an applied electric field. Based on atomically resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy, in situ charge mapping by in-line electron holography and theoretical calculations, we show that oxygen vacancies accumulating at the charged domain walls are responsible for the domain-wall stability and motion. Voltage control of the in-plane domain-wall position within a BiFeO3 film gives rise to multiple non-volatile resistance states, thus demonstrating the key functional property of being a memristor a few unit cells thick. These results promote a better understanding of ferroelectric switching behaviour and provide a new strategy for creating unit-cell-scale devices.


Regulating surface potential maximizes voltage in all-perovskite tandems


▲ 作者:Hao Chen, Aidan Maxwell, Chongwen Li, Sam Teale, Bin Chen, Tong Zhu, Esma Ugur, George Harrison, Luke Grater, Junke Wang, Zaiwei Wang, Lewei Zeng, So Min Park, Lei Chen, Peter Serles, Rasha Abbas Awni, Biwas Subedi, Xiaopeng Zheng, Chuanxiao Xiao, Nikolas J. Podraza, Tobin Filleter, Cheng Liu, Yi Yang, Joseph M. Luther, Edward H. Sargent

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▲ 摘要:

在宽带隙(超过1.7 eV)的钙钛矿太阳能电池中,开路电压(VOC)亏缺比大约1.5 eV的钙钛矿更。准费米能级分裂测量表明,在电子传输层接触处存在VOCs限制复合。

加拿大多伦多大学教授Edward Sargent团队研究发现,这源于不均匀的表面电位和较差的钙钛矿电子传输层能量排列。普通的单铵表面处理无法解决这一问题;作为一种替代方法,他们引入了二铵分子来修饰钙钛矿的表面状态,并实现了更均匀的表面电位空间分布。使用1,3-丙烷二铵,准费米级分裂提高了90 meV,使1.79 eV的钙钛矿太阳能电池具有1.33 V的VOC认证和超过19%的功率转换效率(PCE)。

将该层纳入单片全钙钛矿串联,研究者报告了2.19 V的创纪录VOC(详细平衡VOC限值的89%)和超过27%的PCE(26.3%经过准稳态认证)。这些串联在操作500小时后保留了超过86%的初始PCE。

▲ Abstract:

The open-circuit voltage (VOC) deficit in perovskite solar cells is greater in wide-bandgap (over 1.7 eV) cells than in perovskites of roughly 1.5 eV. Quasi-Fermi-level-splitting measurements show VOC-limiting recombination at the electron-transport-layer contact. This, we find, stems from inhomogeneous surface potential and poor perovskite–electron transport layer energetic alignment. Common monoammonium surface treatments fail to address this; as an alternative, we introduce diammonium molecules to modify perovskite surface states and achieve a more uniform spatial distribution of surface potential. Using 1,3-propane diammonium, quasi-Fermi-level splitting increases by 90 meV, enabling 1.79 eV perovskite solar cells with a certified 1.33 V VOC and over 19% power conversion efficiency (PCE). Incorporating this layer into a monolithic all-perovskite tandem, we report a record VOC of 2.19 V (89% of the detailed balance VOC limit) and over 27% PCE (26.3% certified quasi-steady state). These tandems retained more than 86% of their initial PCE after 500 h of operation.

Organic reaction mechanism classification using machine learning


▲ 作者:Jordi Burés & Igor Larrosa

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

A mechanistic understanding of catalytic organic reactions is crucial for the design of new catalysts, modes of reactivity and the development of greener and more sustainable chemical processes. Here we show that a deep neural network model can be trained to analyse ordinary kinetic data and automatically elucidate the corresponding mechanism class, without any additional user input. The model identifies a wide variety of classes of mechanism with outstanding accuracy, including mechanisms out of steady state such as those involving catalyst activation and deactivation steps, and performs excellently even when the kinetic data contain substantial error or only a few time points. Our results demonstrate that artificial-intelligence-guided mechanism classification is a powerful new tool that can streamline and automate mechanistic elucidation. We are making this model freely available to the community and we anticipate that this work will lead to further advances in the development of fully automated organic reaction discovery and development.


Rotational multimaterial printing of filaments with subvoxel control


▲ 作者:Natalie M. Larson, Jochen Mueller, Alex Chortos, Zoey S. Davidson, David R. Clarke & Jennifer A. Lewis

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▲ 摘要:





▲ Abstract:

Helical structures are ubiquitous in nature and impart unique mechanical properties and multifunctionality. So far, synthetic architectures that mimic these natural systems have been fabricated by winding, twisting and braiding of individual filaments, microfluidics, self-shaping and printing methods. However, those fabrication methods are unable to simultaneously create and pattern multimaterial, helically architected filaments with subvoxel control in arbitrary two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) motifs from a broad range of materials. Here we report a rotational multimaterial 3D printing (RM-3DP) platform that enables subvoxel control over the local orientation of azimuthally heterogeneous architected filaments. By continuously rotating a multimaterial nozzle with a controlled ratio of angular-to-translational velocity, we have created helical filaments with programmable helix angle, layer thickness and interfacial area between several materials within a given cylindrical voxel. Using this integrated method, we have fabricated functional artificial muscles composed of helical dielectric elastomer actuators with high fidelity and individually addressable conductive helical channels embedded within a dielectric elastomer matrix. We have also fabricated hierarchical lattices comprising architected helical struts containing stiff springs within a compliant matrix. Our additive-manufacturing platform opens new avenues to generating multifunctional architected matter in bioinspired motifs.

A wearable cardiac ultrasound imager


▲ 作者:Hongjie Hu, Hao Huang, Mohan Li, Xiaoxiang Gao, Lu Yin, Ruixiang Qi, Ray S. Wu, Xiangjun Chen, Yuxiang Ma, Keren Shi, Chenghai Li, Timothy M. Maus, Brady Huang, Chengchangfeng Lu, Muyang Lin, Sai Zhou, Zhiyuan Lou, Yue Gu, Yimu Chen, Yusheng Lei, Xinyu Wang, Ruotao Wang, Wentong Yue, Xinyi Yang, Sheng Xu

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Continuous imaging of cardiac functions is highly desirable for the assessment of long-term cardiovascular health, detection of acute cardiac dysfunction and clinical management of critically ill or surgical patients. However, conventional non-invasive approaches to image the cardiac function cannot provide continuous measurements owing to device bulkiness, and existing wearable cardiac devices can only capture signals on the skin. Here we report a wearable ultrasonic device for continuous, real-time and direct cardiac function assessment. We introduce innovations in device design and material fabrication that improve the mechanical coupling between the device and human skin, allowing the left ventricle to be examined from different views during motion. We also develop a deep learning model that automatically extracts the left ventricular volume from the continuous image recording, yielding waveforms of key cardiac performance indices such as stroke volume, cardiac output and ejection fraction. This technology enables dynamic wearable monitoring of cardiac performance with substantially improved accuracy in various environments.

编辑 | 方圆

排版 | 李言




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