
Venice, Italy威尼斯,意大利

Located off the coast of Norther-Eastern Italy, Venice is one of the most beautiful and serene cities across the globe. It is fascinating and boasts of its majestic landmarks, small bridges, 118 islands, and beautiful bustling alleyways. The beauty of the city is enhanced by its iconic canals.


Anytime you visit Europe, this is a place that you wouldn’t want to miss. Apart from the

amazing landmarks, Venice is known as a romantic paradise that offers plenty of things to do and things to see during your visit.


Best time to visit


With different charming seasons, the best time to visit Venice include:

– April to June during summer.

– July to October when the weather is highly favorable.

– November and March, characterized by fewer crowds on the street.





Marrakech, Morroco马拉喀什,摩洛哥

Marrakech is a beautiful city in Morocco popular for its unique museums and monuments. Most

importantly, the city is attractive as it is a voyage to a whole new world. At day, the winding streets, inhabitants of the city and the attractions make Marrakech a destination to behold.


Best Time To Visit

The best time to visit Marakkech is from March to May and September to November due to pleasant temperatures and affordable hotel rates.



Prague, Czech Republic布拉格,捷克共和国

Prague is an old European city that is rich in history tracing back to thousands of years. The city in Czech Republic is famed for world-class museums, beautiful bridges and baroque-style churches. Prague is also popular because of its landmarks.


Things to see and do in Prague

– Visit the Mala Strana to the infant Jesus of Prague.

– See the old town square to admire amazing architecture.

– Take a stroll across the famous Charles Bridge

– Visit the Famous Prague Castle, the Treasures of St Vitus Cathedral.

– Eat a Pork Knuckle if you are a meat lover.


拜访布拉格小城Mala Strana看布拉格圣婴耶酥





Best Time To Visit

Christmas and Easter holidays are magical but spring and early fall are fantastic too with mild temperatures and a relatively low amount of tourists.



Paris, France巴黎,法国

Paris, known as the City of Lights, is a city which is rich in culture, arts, fashion and food. The uber romantic French capital has many spectacular attractions including monuments, museums and landmarks including the The Arc de Triomph national monument, the iconic site of Champs-Elysees, the Louvre Museum and the famous Eiffel Tower.


Best time to visit

The best time to visit Paris is between April-June, October and early November because the

weather is mild, warm and enjoyable. What’s more, there are few tourist crowds during summer. To save on cash, you can visit in early December, January, and February because it is the cheapest travel season in Paris.



Havana, Cuba哈瓦那,古巴

Havana, Cuba has a rich history, and this is quite notable in the streets of Old Havana, historic forts, legendary hotels and restaurants, and the amazing Cuban Baroque Buildings. The city has plenty of cultural attractions, and its beauty is enhanced by outgoing and friendly locals who are very proud of their city.


Best Time to Visit

Havana is best in the months of December through to May because the climate is warm and dry, and blessed with blue skies.



Instabul, Turkey伊斯坦布尔,土耳其

Istanbul, Turkey is an amazing city with glorious remains of its long history. It is one of the best metropolises across the globe thanks to its beautiful attractions. Apart from the big four landmark attractions including the Blue Mosque, Grand Bazaar, the Aya Sofywa, and Topkapi

Palace, the city offers an array of other exciting things to do during your visit.


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia吉隆坡,马来西亚

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is an exciting city characterized by Mogul Style domes, food stalls

lined across the streets, and colorful attractions. It is a sultry capital that also boasts of steel-clad skyscrapers, shopping malls, parks, and ancient culture. You can visit the 106 towers as well as the iconic Petronas Towers. Go shopping at the air-conditioned malls including Suria KLCC, Mid Valley Megamall, and Pavilion KL. Enjoy the street Feast for cooked food, cool drinks, and tropical juices.

马来西亚是座令人兴奋的城市, 以莫卧儿式穹顶建筑,街道两边的小吃店,以及各色吸引人的事物为特征,吉隆坡是马来西亚的首都,钢结构的摩天大楼,购物商场,公园,以及古文化更增添了它的魅力。有106座塔楼可以造访,还有石油双塔楼。购物的空调商场包括阳光广场(Suria KLCC),谷中城美佳广场(Mid Valley Megamall),以及柏威年购物广场(Pavilion KL)。熟食,冷饮,以及热带果汁让你尽情享受街头盛宴。

Best Time To Visit

The best time to visit Kuala Lumpur is from May to July when the weather is settled, the sky is blue and the temperatures are warm.



Las Vegas, United States拉斯维加斯,美国

Las Vegas is a dazzling city, an oasis of hedonism and indulgence in the Mojave desert. Come here for vibrance and unrivalled luxury in its hotels, clubs and 24/7 casinos.


Best Time To Visit

The best time to visit Las Vegas is from March to May; September to November. The weather is amazing, and you will enjoy the best travel deals.



Kyoto, Japan京都,日本

Kyoto is popularly known as Japan’s spiritual heart boasting 2, 000 shrines and temples. The city is a masterpiece with sublime gardens, atmospheric temples, beautiful traditional teahouses, and stunning architecture. At its heart, is a culinary destination the Nishiki Market; also known as ‘the Kyoto’s kitchen’.


Best Time To Visit

Kyoto is a place that you can visit at any time because the weather in the city is temperate. However, you may want to avoid December to February because it is relatively cold.



Rome, Italy罗马,意大利

Rome is an incredible city famed for its glorious heritage and where hope springs forever. The city offers a blend of Christianity and history, and you will be overwhelmed by its magnificent sites as you visit. The Italian capital is divided into different districts including the Colosseo District and the Old Rome.


Best time to Visit

October to April when the weather is favorable and the crowds have reduced.



Berlin, Germany柏林,德国

Berlin is German’s sprawling city characterized by large green spaces, vibrant culture,

beautiful museums, and an amazing cultural and art scene. The city is famed for its amazing

atmosphere, the Holocaust Memorial and Berlin Wall among other exciting features.


Best Time To Visit

The Summer months between May to September is warm, great for exploring the city.



Amsterdam, Netherlands阿姆斯特丹,荷兰



阿姆斯特丹气候温和,即使在冬季,很少低过0°C。夏季温暖但不炎热。八月平均最高气温仅有22 °C,超过30 °C的高温一般来讲只有3天左右。10-3月份为雨季,只要避开这个时间段就可以。




Sydney, Australia悉尼,澳大利亚



Rio De Janeiro, Brazil里约热内卢,巴西



Dubai, United Arab Emirates迪拜,阿拉伯联合酋长国



London, United Kingdom,伦敦,英国

伦敦(London)是英国的首都,伦敦是一座全球领先的世界级城市,是全球最富裕、经济最发达、商业最繁荣、生活水平最高的城市之一,是全世界博物馆和图书馆数量最多的城市。芝麻菜和哈吉斯是当地的特色食品。伦敦的主要景点有泰晤士河(River Thames)、伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge)、瑞士再保险塔(Swiss Re Tower)、威斯敏斯特宫(Palace of Westminster)、伊丽莎白塔(Big Ben)、千禧桥(Millennium Bridge)、伦敦眼(London Eye)、格林尼治天文台(Greenwich Observatory)、金丝雀码头(Canary Wharf)、千年穹顶(Millennium Dome)和圣保罗大教堂(St Paul's Cathedral)等。

Tokyo, Japan东京都,日本


New York, United States纽约市,美国

纽约是美国第一大城市及第一大港口,世界最大的城市之一,被誉为:“世界文化之都,”由于在二十世纪初,纽约对外来移民来说是个崭新天地,机会到处都是。因此纽约常被昵称为“大苹果”(the Big Apple),便是取“好看、好吃,人人都想咬一口”之意。纽约市区景色赏心悦目,包括这里的人、新潮时装、纽约特有的个性化商店,乃至顶级零售店。麦迪逊大道是时尚走廊的代名词,这里有大量经典的意大利,法国和美国时装店。还有充满旧货店,时装店,美酒的布鲁克林区,市内约有4,000个领有执照的小吃摊贩,许多都是由外来移民经营,因此街上可看到许多中东食物,如炸豆丸子和羊肉串,但是热狗和椒盐卷饼仍然是主流摊贩小吃。最著名的景点有百老汇,布鲁克林大桥,布朗克斯动物园,帝国大厦,华尔街,纽约植物园,纽约公共图书馆,美国自然历史博物馆等。


Barcelona, Spain巴塞罗那,西班牙

巴塞罗那是西班牙第二大城市,气候宜人、风光旖旎、古迹遍布,素有伊比利亚半岛的明珠之称,是西班牙最著名的旅游胜地。它是西班牙的文化古城,有地中海曼哈顿之称。带有哥特风格的古老建筑与高楼大厦交相辉映,共同构成了巴塞罗那令人迷醉的天际线。格局凌乱的小巷子紧贴着新城区的边缘,古色古香的旧城区里会忽然冒出工业时代的烟囱,在巴塞罗那,这一切的不协调看来都顺理成章。加泰罗尼亚国家艺术博物馆(Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya MNAC)),巴塞罗那现代艺术馆(Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona MACBA)),安东尼·高第故居(Casa-Museu Gaudí),毕加索美术馆(Museu Picasso),米罗基金会(Fundació Joan Miró),塔比埃斯基金会美术馆(Museu de la Fundació Antoni Tàpies),城市历史博物馆(Museu d'Història de la Ciutat),加泰罗尼亚考古博物馆(Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya),巴塞罗那海洋博物馆(Museu Marítim),私立的埃及博物馆(Museu Egipci),巴塞罗那足球俱乐部博物馆(Museu del Futbol Club Barcelona)很受游客欢迎。主要景点有巴特娄宫,米拉宫,毕加索博物馆,圣家堂,埃尔公园,哥伦布塔(MONUMENT A COLOM),黄金海岸及贝尔港。

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