
项目基地位于浙江莫干山镇庾村国营时期蚕种厂的西侧,顺着山路可上到莫干山顶。场地从西北角转入,由北向南逐渐跌落。北侧紧邻村舍,曲折退进;南侧沿小溪蜿蜒延展,视线开阔;历史遗留下来的用地权属界定了犬牙交错的边界。旧有的建筑散落在场地上,有些已破旧坍塌;对岸建设中的环山路以及废弃小学的未来状况亦难以估计; 树木填充了村落肌理的剩余空间。这是很日常的当代中国乡村的景观,是混杂的也是动态的。

▼模型东北侧鸟瞰, aerial view from northeast side of model

▼东南侧鸟瞰, aerial view from southeast side of model


▼建筑体量与功能, volume and program arrangement

▼西北角街景, street view from north west corner

▼北侧外景, street view from north side

▼西侧外景, street view from west side

▼咖啡厅入口, entrance to the café

▼咖啡厅内部不同开洞与光线, different openings and light

▼咖啡厅扁平屋顶与张拉索, the flat wood roof truss and tension-cable structure

▼咖啡厅外侧凉廊与庭院, the loggia and courtyard outside café

▼咖啡厅与庭院,树,远山, café, courtyard, old trees and distanced mountain

▼咖啡厅与建筑中心体量, café and the main building

▼大厅北侧外景, exterior view from north side of hotel lobby

▼咖啡厅门厅处楼梯, stairs to the restaurant in café vestibule

▼西侧走廊, corridor on west side

▼互相可视的民宿内部楼梯与公共楼梯, hotel inner staircase and the public staircase to the restaurant can be viewed from each other

▼餐厅全景式开洞,扁平屋顶与张拉索, horizontal openings view in restaurant owing to the flat roof truss and tensioned cable

▼餐厅北向窗景, restaurant view northward

▼餐厅VIP桌大景窗, large window view towards the old Camphor from VIP table in restaurant

▼南北黑白阳台处理, the black south balcony and white north balcony view of restaurant


▼门厅入口处回望, view looking back from the entrance to the hotel lobby

▼大厅与北侧古树远山的对景, framed view northwards the old Camphor tree and the distanced mountain from the hotel lobby

▼大厅西侧大窗与梧桐树, view westwards the Platnaus tree

▼大厅东侧内景,洒落的阳光深入到室内, lobby view eastwards ,with the sunlight in the afternoon

▼北侧走廊, corridor on the north side

▼二层走廊处俯望大厅, lobby view north-eastwards from corridor on 2nd floor

▼中心体量南侧外景, south view of main building

▼中心体量南侧外景, south view of main building

▼西南凉廊与中心体量南侧外景, the loggia on the southwest side and the main building

▼凉廊与中心体量, the loggia and the main building

▼凉廊下空间, view under the roof of loggia

▼凉廊屋顶,躺椅与泳池, roof, lounge chair and the pool

▼中心体量南侧与通往东侧独栋体量的小径, south view of main building, and a path that leads eastward to the villa

▼东南侧沿小溪外景, view of river landscape and the buildings from the southeast

▼不同客房内景, interior view of guestroom

▼不同客房内景, interior view of guestroom

▼不同客房内景, interior view of guestroom

▼不同客房内景, interior view of guestroom

▼15间客房平面与窗景, 15 different individual guestrooms and window views


▼古树的不同框景, the hundred-years-old Camphor is scenically framed to create a sequence of dynamic views from the building


▼餐厅屋顶阴脊内部双层屋架,外部水沟与地面集水细节处理, double- layer wood truss under the internal ridge of roof, the gutter and the spiral rain collector detail on ground

▼大厅大型可开启电动窗, the extra large automatic window in the lobby

▼化解施工误差产生的柱础细节, column base improvisational detail due to the construction error

▼一层平面图, site plan

▼二层平面图, second floor plan

▼三层平面图, third floor plan

▼剖面图A-A, section A-A

▼北立面, north facade

▼南立面, south facade

▼东立面, east facade

▼西立面, west facade

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