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8 Treasured Historic Architecture Sites That Have Hosted Huge Rock Concerts
Thanks to their loud, brash, and nocturnal nature, rock concerts are often held in dark bars and nightclubs designed to withstand the abuse of rowdy fans and guitar-smashing rockers. But as musicians earn a following, they eventually graduate from beer-soaked basements to prestigious theaters, outdoor amphitheaters, arenas, and stadiums. For performers and music fans alike, playing or attending a show in a space like Carnegie Hall, the Royal Albert Hall, Madison Square Garden or Colorado’s Red Rocks Amphitheater can be a momentous, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that ties together the sublime power that great music and architecture can both evoke. As rare as these opportunities are, an exclusive group of iconic musicians have managed to reach an even higher level of prestige by organizing one-off performances amid humanity’s most treasured historical sites—from the Acropolis and ancient Mayan cities to the Colosseum and the Eiffel Tower.
While these special concerts have given fans the chance to experience music history firsthand, many have also been mired in scandal as local officials and residents have raised concerns about potential damage to the sites or inappropriate commercial misuse of treasured cultural landmarks. Despite these legitimate and often justified concerns, these nine iconic sites have hosted some of the most ambitious concerts in the history of popular music:
© Flickr user carolemage licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
阿迪库斯露天剧场位于雅典卫城的南侧边缘,始建于公元161年,而在公元267年成为废墟,继而在上世纪50年代这里又经过了修复,随后在1962年举办了一场音乐会。Frank Sinatra当时在此举行了义演,而在接下来的1991年至2004年间,诸如Andrea Bocelli、Elton John、Diana Ross、Jethro Tull、 Foo Fighters、 Yanni、Sting、Luciano Pavarotti等音乐人都在这里进行过演出。
1. Odeon of Herodes Atticus, The Acropolis, Athens
Located on the southern edge of the Acropolis of Athens, the steep-sloped Odeon of Herodes Atticus—originally constructed in the year 161 CE and left in ruins by 267 CE—was renovated in 1950 and began hosting concerts shortly thereafter. Frank Sinatra performed a pair of benefit concerts at the ancient theater in 1962, and the venue has since welcomed acts like Andrea Bocelli, Elton John, Diana Ross, Jethro Tull, Foo Fighters, Yanni, Sting and two separate performances by operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti in 1991 and 2004.
Screenshot from video of event via CineFacts Forum
最臭名昭著的一场摇滚音乐会是在一处珍贵的历史遗址上造成了严重的损坏——摇滚传奇人物Pink Floyd于1989年在威尼斯圣马可广场举办了一场免费的音乐会,吸引了众多观众,当时的舞台漂浮在圣马可教堂旁侧的水域之中。但是由于设备的缺乏以及未能控制疯狂的歌迷,导致数量高达200000的观众对这片文艺复兴时期保留下来的教堂和周边地区造成了较大的破坏。甚至有新闻显示,教堂的大门、砖石细部,以及雕塑作品都遭到了损坏。
2. Piazza San Marco, Venice
In one of the most infamous examples of a rock concert causing problems on a treasured historic site, the psychedelic rock legends Pink Floyd organized a free concert in Venice’s Piazza San Marco in 1989 which attracted such a large audience that the stage had to be moved onto a floating platform moored in the water beside the Basilica di San Marco. Without proper facilities and crowd control measures, the crowd of 200,000 caused significant damage to the Renaissance-era basilica and adjacent areas. Surviving news footage shows destroyed masonry details throughout the site and audience members urinating against the cathedral doors in absence of proper toilet facilities—an original sculptural figure was even broken off of the Basilica by crowd members climbing the facade for a better view.
© Wikimedia user William licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
该遗址始建于公元600年,古代玛雅城市奇琴伊察是北美洲的重要历史遗址。歌剧表演者Placido Domingo于2008年曾经在这里举办了大规模的演出,而在2010年,流行音乐人Elton John也在此举办了演唱会。
3. Chichen Itza, Yucatán Peninsula
Built around 600 CE, the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza survives as one of most significant ancient historical sites left in North America. The sacred site hosted a large scale performance among its stepped pyramids by opera star Placido Domingo in 2008, followed quickly by a concert with pop icon Elton John in 2010.
© Flickr user dungodung licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
在摇滚音乐史中,摇滚乐队Grateful Dead是第一支在埃及吉萨金字塔群进行现场表演的乐队,在1978年间,他们在此共举办了三场演出。乐队的贝斯手Phil Lesh在几十年之后仍然十分怀念当时的演出场面。他在2005年的回忆录中说道:“我们的表演就像是一根导火线,让遥不可及的神话回归现实。”在后来,Sting于2001年、Yanni于2015年分别也在此举办了音乐会。
4. Giza Pyramid Complex, Egypt
Living up to their reputation as one of the most adventurous live acts in rock history, the Grateful Dead became the first rock band to perform at the foot of the Sphinx of Giza when they travelled to Egypt for three concerts in 1978, culminating their cosmic adventure with a final show performed during a full lunar eclipse. Dead bassist Phil Lesh still reflects on the experience with awe decades later, musing in his 2005 memoir: “our performance lit a fuse, and myth descended into reality.” Following their lead, the Giza Pyramid Complex has since hosted performances by Sting in 2001 and Yanni in 2015.
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罗马马克西穆斯竞技场始建于公元前6世纪,当时主要作为古罗马战车竞赛的场地,而在2005年7月,这里同样举办了名为“Live8”的音乐会,当时的表演团队有Duran Duran以及一些意大利的演出者。以英国鼓手Phil Collins为主要灵魂的乐队Genesis也在2007年时吸引了约500000名粉丝的到来,而Rolling Stones乐队于2014年也在此进行了演出。
5. Circus Maximus, Rome
Originally laid out in the sixth century BCE and used as a stadium for Ancient Roman chariot races, the Circus Maximus hosted one of ten simultaneous benefit concerts known as Live 8 in July 2005, featuring Duran Duran as well as a lengthy lineup of Italian acts. The English band Genesis, featuring drummer Phil Collins, would attract a crowd of 500,000 fans to the Circus Maximus for a concert on their 2007 reunion tour, and the Rolling Stones also performed on the site in 2014.
© Wikimedia user bjf licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
罗马斗兽场的主要负责人已经宣布,希望通过举办摇滚音乐会来振兴这座历史遗址,但其规模仍然受到限制。到目前为止,Elton John、Andrea Bocelli、Steven Tyler所属的空中铁匠乐队已经在此举办了义演,而Paul McCartney于2003年也在此举办了400人的小型演出。
6. The Colosseum, Rome
While they have not yet reached the scale of concerts held at other historic sites, the Colosseum’s newly appointed chief caretaker has announced his desire to re-activate Italy’s most visited historic site by staging rock concerts on a wood-planked section that once served as the stadium’s floor. So far the Colosseum has housed a benefit concert featuring Elton John, Andrea Bocelli and Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, as well as an intimate 400-seat performance by Paul McCartney in 2003.
© Wikimedia user Laban66 licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
莫斯科红场位于圣巴西尔大教堂彩色穹顶、以及前苏维埃领导人Vladimir Lenin的陵墓旁侧,自1991年苏联解体以来,这里也举办了多场摇滚音乐会,演出团队包括Hot Chili Peppers、Paul McCartney、Roger Waters of Pink Floyd、Placido Domingo,以及荷兰电音舞曲DJ Tiësto。
7. Red Square, Moscow
Flanked by the colorful onion domes of St. Basil’s Cathedral, the Kremlin and the mausoleum of former Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, Red Square has hosted a number of western rock acts since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, including shows by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Paul McCartney, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd, Placido Domingo and Dutch electronic dance DJ Tiësto.
© Flickr user thejointstaff licensed under CC BY 2.0
埃菲尔铁塔的脚下与其内部接待大厅都有着较大的空间,法国新生代音乐家Jean-Michel Jarre于1995年在此举办了音乐会,并且吸引了125万粉丝的到来,近期,Alanis Morissette、Justin Bieber、David Guetta以及摇滚乐队Muse也在此进行了表演。
8. Eiffel Tower, Paris
With space for performances at the foot of the tower and in a reception space inside in the tower itself, the Eiffel Tower has been the site of historic concerts like French new age musician Jean-Michel Jarre’s 1995 concert that drew 1.25 million fans to the base of the tower, as well as recent performances by Alanis Morissette, Justin Bieber, David Guetta and the prog-rock band Muse.
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