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日期: 来源:天眼新闻收集编辑:天眼新闻



If you invite a foreign friend to describe the tourism of Guizhou, what do you think they're going to say?


"Every season is the best time for Guizhou." This is the thorough feedback from them.


Every spring in Guizhou is a warm season with various charming flowers vying in blossoming under the sunshine. Decorated with pink cherry blossom, vivid peach blossom, and golden rape flowers in spring, when they come to Guizhou, it seems that they were experiencing a lucid dream. Suddenly, they wake up; this is actually the spring in Guizhou.


Summer in Guizhou is a good season to run away from the heat. Climbing to the top of the mountains, there is a light breeze brushing the face. Walking along the stream, there are glorious mountains and lakes. Strolling in the countryside, the air is filled with the fresh scent of watermelon. What a lovely Guizhou summer day!


Guizhou's autumn is a beautiful time of the year. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the wind is cool. Tasting palatable hams and delicious red-cooked pork and taking a look at the golden leaves at the Start of Autumn. Love the autumn of Guizhou and you will indulge in this romantic season.


In winter, the mountains beyond were covered in snow. Winter spring water spas and snow-skiing are the best choice to relaxing your body and mind. It seems to enter a fairy tale world with white snow. It could be fun to experience Guizhou's winter.


To enjoy flowers in spring, stay cool in summer, appreciate flavour in autumn, and keep healthy in winter, colorful Guizhou welcomes everyone from all over the world to experience your special edition of the four seasons.


赖盈盈 汪国锋 Kucherova Tatiana

实习生 李卓倩

编辑 王梓艺 胡岚

二审 胡锐

三审 闵捷


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